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Created April 19, 2011 08:41
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Example Usage:
<script type="text/javascript">
if (navigator.device.messaging) {
var messaging = ;
var message = new navigator.device.messaging.SMS({
to: "+46000000001",
body: "Welcome to Atlantis"
// alternative: message.onsend
message.addEventListener("send", function() {
alert("The message is being sent");
// message.onsent
message.addEventListener("sent", function() {
alert("The message was sent successfully");
// message.onerror
message.addEventListener("error", function(error) {
alert("There was an error when sending the message.");
// message.onaborted
message.addEventListener("aborted", function() {
alert("Sending of message was aborted");
// Abort sending, just for example:
// Exposed on navigation.device
Device implements DeviceMessaging;
interface DeviceMessaging {
readonly attribute MessagingManager messaging;
interface MessagingManager {
SMSMessage SMS(in SMSMessageProperties)
MMSMessage MMS(in MMSMessageProperties)
EmailMessage Email(in EmailMessageProperties)
[NoInterfaceObject, Constructor(in DOMString to, in DOMString message, in optional sequence<Blob>)]
interface Message {
// states
const unsigned short UNSENT = 0;
const unsigned short SENDING = 1;
const unsigned short ABORTED = 2;
const unsigned short ERROR = 3;
const unsigned short SENT = 4;
readonly attribute unsigned short readyState;
readonly attribute Date sentTime;
// methods
boolean send();
void abort();
// event handler attributes
attribute Function onsend;
attribute Function onsent;
attribute Function onerror (in MessagingError error);
attribute Function onaborted;
Message implements EventTarget;
interface SMSMessage : Message {
attribute DOMString|DOMString[] to;
attribute DOMString body;
attribute sequence<Blob> attachments;
interface SMSMessageProperties {
attribute DOMString|DOMString[] to;
attribute DOMString body;
attribute sequence<Blob> attachments;
interface MMSMessage : Message {
attribute DOMString|DOMString[] to;
attribute DOMString subject;
attribute DOMString body;
attribute sequence<Blob> attachments;
interface MMSMessageProperties {
attribute DOMString|DOMString[] to;
attribute DOMString subject;
attribute DOMString body;
attribute sequence<Blob> attachments;
interface EmailMessage : Message {
attribute EmailAddress|EmailAddress[] to;
attribute EmailAddress|EmailAddress[] cc;
attribute EmailAddress|EmailAddress[] bcc;
attribute DOMString subject;
attribute short priority;
attribute DOMString body;
attribute sequence<Blob> attachments;
interface EmailMessageProperties {
attribute EmailAddress|EmailAddress[] to;
attribute EmailAddress|EmailAddress[] cc;
attribute EmailAddress|EmailAddress[] bcc;
attribute DOMString subject;
attribute short priority;
attribute DOMString body;
attribute sequence<Blob> attachments;
interface EmailAddress {
attribute DOMString address;
attribute DOMString name;
interface MessagingError : GenericError {
const unsigned short UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0;
const unsigned short INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR = 1;
const unsigned short TIMEOUT_ERROR = 3;
const unsigned short PENDING_OPERATION_ERROR = 4;
const unsigned short IO_ERROR = 5;
const unsigned short NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR = 6;
const unsigned short PERMISSION_DENIED_ERROR = 20;
const unsigned short MESSAGE_SIZE_EXCEEDED = 30;
readonly attribute unsigned short code;
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