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Last active December 12, 2015 05:48
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(ns mimo-vacman.endurance
"Provides some functions and macros to abstract the endurance to a
(:require [ :refer [info]]
[ :refer [with-connection
^{:dynamic true
:doc "Should be used by all functions as the database. All those
functions should be surrounded by the 'with-db' macro."}
*current-db* nil)
(def test-db {:subprotocol "mysql"
:subname "//"
:user "root"
:password ""})
(def dev-db {:subprotocol "mysql"
:subname "//"
:user "root"
:password ""})
(defmacro with-db
"Sets the '*current-db* var. This is used so the database
environment can be easily adjusted, allowing for something similar
to rails environments. "
[db & body]
`(binding [*current-db* ~db]
(with-connection *current-db* ~@body)))
(with-db test-db
(with-query-results res
["SELECT * FROM application WHERE serial = ?" 1]
(first (doall res)))
(with-query-results res
["SELECT * FROM application WHERE serial = ?" 1]
(first (doall res)))
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