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Last active April 2, 2021 07:37
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Updates ABP CLI and ABP Suite to the latest version (including previews)
Set-PSDebug -Trace 0
$packageName = "volo.abp.cli"
$output = dotnet tool search $packageName --prerelease --take 1
$outputString = ("" + $output)
$indexOfVersionLine = $outputString.IndexOf($packageName)
$latestVersion = $outputString.substring($indexOfVersionLine + $packageName.length).trim().split(" ")[0].trim()
Write-Host "Updating "$packageName" to" $latestVersion
dotnet tool update -g $packageName --version $latestVersion
Write-Host "Updating ABP Suite"
abp suite update --preview
Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit"
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ebicoglu commented Apr 1, 2021


dotnet tool doesn't have parameter to include the preview versions when you update/install a package.
You need to provide the version parameter to install any preview (RC) version.
I created a feature request to Microsoft to support this functionality.
So we need to find the latest preview version and add this to --version parameter in the command.


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