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Last active December 12, 2015 04:28
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basic IO Monad in coffeescript
IO = (f) ->
ioF = -> f()
ioF.bind = (getsNextIoF) -> IOChain(ioF, getsNextIoF)
IOChain = (ioF, getNextIoF) ->
ioCF = ->
value = ioF()
nextIoF = getNextIoF(value)
ioCF.bind = (g) -> IOChain(ioCF, g)
fAlert = (str) -> IO(-> alert(str))
fConfirm = IO(-> confirm("Well?"))
ioY = fAlert("THIS IS AN IO MONAD!").bind ->
fAlert("farewell, my dear friend :)")
ioN = fAlert("really? you suck.").bind ->
fAlert("buzz off.")
io = fAlert("hello!").bind ->
fAlert("So you want to know what's crazy?").bind -> \
fConfirm.bind (yn) -> \
(if yn then ioY else ioN)
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