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Created October 1, 2019 15:01
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magic slurm node list parser
#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
node_lists = [
# we assume index parts are sane
def expand_idx(idx):
if idx.startswith('['):
idx = idx[1:-1]
idx_parts = idx.split(',')
indexes = []
for part in idx_parts:
if "-" in part:
start, stop = part.split('-', 2)
indexes.extend(range(int(start), int(stop)+1))
return indexes
def expand_nodestr(nodestri, idx_list):
return [nodestri + str(idx) for idx in idx_list]
index_pat = re.compile(r'((clip-(\w+)-)(\d+|\[[\d\,\-]+\]),?)')
for node_str in node_lists:
print node_str
for match in index_pat.finditer(node_str):
print " ", match.groups()
#full =
prefix =
node_type =
idx =
idx_list = expand_idx(idx)
print "prefix> ", prefix
print "type> ", node_type
print "idx> ", idx
print "count> ", len(idx_list)
print "list> ", expand_nodestr(prefix, idx_list)
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For naming patterns with padding with zeros, such as cl001.

node_lists = [

def parse_int(s):
    for i, c in enumerate(s):
        if c not in "0123456789":
            return s[:i], s[i:]
    return s, ""

def parse_brackets(s):
    # parse a "bracket" expression (including closing ']')
    lst = []
    while len(s) > 0:
        if s[0] == ',':
            s = s[1:]
        if s[0] == ']':
            return lst, s[1:]
        a, s = parse_int(s)
        assert len(s) > 0, "Missing closing ']'"
        if s[0] in ',]':
        elif s[0] == '-':
            b, s = parse_int(s[1:])
            assert int(a) <= int(b), 'Invalid range'
            # A leading zero on a lower boundary suggests that the
            # numerical part of the node name is padded with zeros,
            # e.g. nia0001.
            # Just a single 0 on the lower boundary suggests a numerical
            # range without padding, e.g. nia[0-4].
            if a != '0' and a.startswith('0'):
                assert len(a) == len(b), \
                        'Boundaries of a ranged string with padding '
                        'must have the same length.'
                    [str(x).zfill(len(a)) for x in range(int(a), int(b)+1)]
            elif a != '0' and b.startswith('0'):
                raise ValueError('Could not determine the padding style.')
            # If no padding is detected, simply use the range.
                    [str(x) for x in range(int(a), int(b)+1)]
    assert len(s) > 0, "Missing closing ']'"

def parse_node(s):
    # parse a "node" expression
    for i, c in enumerate(s):
        if c == ',':  # name,...
            return [s[:i]], s[i+1:]
        if c == '[':  # name[v],...
            b, rest = parse_brackets(s[i+1:])
            if len(rest) > 0:
                assert rest[0] == ',', \
                    f"Expected comma after brackets in {s[i:]}"
                rest = rest[1:]
            return [s[:i] + z for z in b], rest

    return [s], ""

def parse_list(s):
    lst = []
    while len(s) > 0:
        v, s = parse_node(s)
    return lst

for s in node_lists:

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