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Created June 13, 2018 09:45
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class ReplayMemory:
def update_all_q_values(self):
Update all Q-values in the replay-memory.
When states and Q-values are added to the replay-memory, the
Q-values have been estimated by the Neural Network. But we now
have more data available that we can use to improve the estimated
Q-values, because we now know which actions were taken and the
observed rewards. We sweep backwards through the entire replay-memory
to use the observed data to improve the estimated Q-values.
# Copy old Q-values so we can print their statistics later.
# Note that the contents of the arrays are copied.
self.q_values_old[:] = self.q_values[:]
# Process the replay-memory backwards and update the Q-values.
# This loop could be implemented entirely in NumPy for higher speed,
# but it is probably only a small fraction of the overall time usage,
# and it is much easier to understand when implemented like this.
for k in reversed(range(self.num_used - 1)):
# Get the data for the k'th state in the replay-memory.
action = self.actions[k]
reward = self.rewards[k]
end_life = self.end_life[k]
end_episode = self.end_episode[k]
# Calculate the Q-value for the action that was taken in this state.
if end_life or end_episode:
# If the agent lost a life or it was game over / end of episode,
# then the value of taking the given action is just the reward
# that was observed in this single step. This is because the
# Q-value is defined as the discounted value of all future game
# steps in a single life of the agent. When the life has ended,
# there will be no future steps.
action_value = reward
# Otherwise the value of taking the action is the reward that
# we have observed plus the discounted value of future rewards
# from continuing the game. We use the estimated Q-values for
# the following state and take the maximum, because we will
# generally take the action that has the highest Q-value.
action_value = reward + self.discount_factor * np.max(self.q_values[k + 1])
# Error of the Q-value that was estimated using the Neural Network.
self.estimation_errors[k] = abs(action_value - self.q_values[k, action])
# Update the Q-value with the better estimate.
self.q_values[k, action] = action_value
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