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ianfinch /
Last active March 5, 2024 17:55
Raspberry Pi 4 USB Gadget
# Set up a Raspberry Pi 4 as a USB-C Ethernet Gadget
# Based on:
# -
# -
if ! $(grep -q dtoverlay=dwc2 /boot/config.txt) ; then
echo "Add the line dtoverlay=dwc2 to /boot/config.txt"
tommikaikkonen / models.js
Created January 16, 2016 23:22
Using React PropTypes and defaultProps pattern with Redux-ORM models
import { PropTypes } from 'react';
import { Model } from 'redux-orm';
import getEnv from 'get-env';
const env = getEnv();
class ValidatingModel extends Model {
static _validateProps(props) {
if (typeof this.propTypes === 'object') {
forOwn(this.propTypes, (validator, key) => {
nkt /
Last active September 27, 2023 08:24
ReactPHP vs Node.js

wrk -t4 -c400 -d10s


Running 10s test @
  4 threads and 400 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
 Latency 7.02ms 6.94ms 82.86ms 85.27%
chadrien /
Last active September 1, 2023 12:43
Debug PHP in Docker with PHPStorm and Xdebug

Debug your PHP in Docker with Intellij/PHPStorm and Xdebug

  1. For your local dev, create a Dockerfile that is based on your production image and simply install xdebug into it. Exemple:
FROM php:5

RUN yes | pecl install xdebug \
&& echo "zend_extension=$(find /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/ -name" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/xdebug.ini \
bobbygrace /
Last active May 15, 2024 16:01
Trello CSS Guide

Hello, visitors! If you want an updated version of this styleguide in repo form with tons of real-life examples… check out Trellisheets!

Trello CSS Guide

“I perfectly understand our CSS. I never have any issues with cascading rules. I never have to use !important or inline styles. Even though somebody else wrote this bit of CSS, I know exactly how it works and how to extend it. Fixes are easy! I have a hard time breaking our CSS. I know exactly where to put new CSS. We use all of our CSS and it’s pretty small overall. When I delete a template, I know the exact corresponding CSS file and I can delete it all at once. Nothing gets left behind.”

You often hear updog saying stuff like this. Who’s updog? Not much, who is up with you?

jvandyke / .gitconfig
Last active January 27, 2023 08:11
Use PHPStorm/WebStorm for git diff and merge tools
# ~/.gitconfig
# Add this to your global git configuration file
# Change phpstorm to webstorm, if you use that.
# Diff and merge tool changes
# Run `git difftool <directory/file>...` or `git mergetool <directory/file>...`
tool = phpstorm
tool = phpstorm