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Last active March 1, 2016 16:37
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;;; APIfy Estafeta's price check
(ql:quickload :drakma)
(ql:quickload :closure-html)
(ql:quickload :cl-json)
(ql:quickload :hunchentoot)
(defvar *server* nil)
(defun string-clean (str)
"Remove every blank from the string."
(string-trim '(#\Space #\Newline #\Backspace #\Tab #\Linefeed #\Page #\Return) str))
(defun node? (obj)
(consp obj))
(defun node-type (node)
(first node))
(defun node-attributes (node)
(second node))
(defun node-text (node)
(let ((item (car (last node))))
(unless (node? item) item)))
(defun node-subnodes (node)
(rest (rest node)))
(defun node-attribute (attribute node)
(assoc attribute (node-attributes node)))
(defun node-attribute-value (attribute node)
(second (node-attribute attribute node)))
(defun node-of-type? (type node)
(eq (node-type node) type))
(defun node-find-recursively (predicate nodes)
(when (node? nodes)
(apply #'append
(when (funcall predicate nodes) (list nodes))
(remove-if #'null (mapcar (lambda (node) (node-find-recursively predicate node))
(node-subnodes nodes))))))
(defun node-find-by-type (type nodes)
(lambda (node) (node-of-type? type node)) nodes))
(defun node-find-by-attribute (attribute value nodes)
(lambda (node)
(string= (second (node-attribute attribute node)) value))
(defun estafeta-build-params (origen destino peso alto largo ancho)
(list (cons "CPOrigen" (format nil "~5,'0D" origen))
(cons "CPDestino" (format nil "~5,'0D" destino))
(cons "Tipo" "paquete")
(cons "cTipoEnvio" "paquete")
(cons "Peso" (write-to-string peso))
(cons "Alto" (write-to-string alto))
(cons "Largo" (write-to-string largo))
(cons "Ancho" (write-to-string ancho))))
(defun estafeta-make-request (origen destino peso alto largo ancho)
(chtml:parse (drakma:http-request
:method :post
:parameters (estafeta-build-params origen destino peso alto largo ancho))
(defun td->service-name (td)
(string-clean (node-text (first (node-find-by-type :strong td)))))
(defun td->number (td)
(read-from-string (remove "," (string-clean (node-text td)) :test #'string=)))
(defun tr->service (tr)
(let ((tds (node-find-by-type :td tr)))
(cons (td->service-name (first tds))
(list (cons :peso (td->number (second tds)))
(cons :guia (td->number (third tds)))
(cons :cc (td->number (fourth tds)))
(cons :cargos-extra (td->number (fifth tds)))
(cons :sobrepeso-costo (td->number (sixth tds)))
(cons :sobrepeso-cc (td->number (seventh tds)))
(cons :total (td->number (eighth tds)))))))
(defun response->source (response)
(node-attribute-value :value
(first (node-find-by-attribute
:name "tarificador.codPosOri.desMuniEstado"
(defun response->destination (response)
(node-attribute-value :value
(first (node-find-by-attribute
:name "tarificador.codPosDest.desMuniEstado"
(defun response->services (response)
(mapcar #'tr->service
(cddr (node-find-by-type
:tr (sixth (node-find-by-type :table response))))))
(defun estafeta->cotizar (origen destino peso alto largo ancho)
(let ((response (estafeta-make-request origen destino peso alto largo ancho)))
(unless (plusp (length (node-find-by-type :form response)))
(list (cons :origen (response->source response))
(cons :destino (response->destination response))
(cons :servicios (response->services response))))))
(defun api ()
(defparameter *server* (make-instance 'hunchentoot:easy-acceptor :port 4242
:document-root #p"~/api/root/"))
(hunchentoot:define-easy-handler (estafeta-cotizador
:uri "/estafeta/cotizar"
:default-request-type :POST) (origen destino peso alto largo ancho)
(setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
(json:encode-json-to-string (estafeta->cotizar (read-from-string (string-clean origen))
(read-from-string (string-clean destino))
(read-from-string (string-clean peso))
(read-from-string (string-clean alto))
(read-from-string (string-clean largo))
(read-from-string (string-clean ancho)))))
(hunchentoot:start *server*))
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