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Created September 3, 2011 10:14
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Save ebonhand09/1190963 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
6809 Assembler (CoCo) syntax coloring for Vim
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Motorola 6809 Assembler
" Maintainer: David Roper <>
" This was originally based on asm68k.vim by Steve Wall
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
syn case ignore
" Partial list of register symbols
syn keyword asm6809Reg a b d x y s u pc dp cc
" M68000 opcodes - order is important!
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ABX"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ADCA\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ADCB\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ADDA\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ADDB\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ADDD\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ANDA\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ANDB\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ANDCC\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ASL\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ASLA"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ASLB"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ASRA"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ASRB"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ASR\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<BCC\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<BCS\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<BEQ\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<BGE\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<BGT\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<BHI\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<BHS\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<BITA\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<BITB\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<BLE\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<BLO\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<BLS\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<BLT\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<BMI\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<BNE\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<BPL\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<BRA\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<BRN\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<BSR\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<BVC\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<BVS\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<CLR\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<CLRA"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<CLRB"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<CMP\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<CMPA\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<CMPB\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<CMPD\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<CMPS\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<CMPU\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<CMPX\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<CMPY\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<COMA\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<COMB\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<COM\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<CWAI"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<DAA"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<DEC\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<DECA"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<DECB"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<EORA\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<EORB\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<EXG\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<INC\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<INCA"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<INCB"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<JMP\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<JSR\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LBCC\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LBCS\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LBEQ\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LBGE\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LBGT\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LBHI\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LBHS\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LBLE\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LBLO\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LBLS\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LBLT\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LBMI\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LBNE\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LBPL\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LBRA\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LBRN\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LBSR\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LBVC\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LBVS\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LDA\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LDB\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LDD\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LDS\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LDU\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LDX\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LDY\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LEAS\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LEAU\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LEAX\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LEAY\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LSLA"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LSLB"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LSL\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LSR\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LSRA"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<LSRB"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<MUL"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<NEGA"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<NEGB"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<NEG\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<NOP"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ORA\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ORB\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ORCC\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<PSHS\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<PSHU\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<PULS\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<PULU\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ROLA"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ROLB"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ROL\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<RORA"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<RORB"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<ROR\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<RTI"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<RTS"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<SBCA\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<SBCB\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<SEX"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<STA\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<STB\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<STD\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<STS\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<STU\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<STX\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<STY\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<SUBA\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<SUBB\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<SUBD\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<SWI"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<SWI2"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<SWI3"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<SYNC"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<TFR\s"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<TSTA"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<TSTB"
syn match asm6809Opcode "\<TST\s"
" Valid labels
syn match asm6809Label "^[a-z_?.\@][a-z0-9_?.$\@]*$"
syn match asm6809Label "^[a-z_?.\@][a-z0-9_?.$\@]*\s"he=e-1
" Various number formats
syn match hexNumber "\$[0-9a-fA-F]\+\>"
syn match hexNumber "\<[0-9][0-9a-fA-F]*H\>"
syn match octNumber "@[0-7]\+\>"
syn match octNumber "\<[0-7]\+[QO]\>"
syn match binNumber "%[01]\+\>"
syn match binNumber "\<[01]\+B\>"
syn match decNumber "\<[0-9]\+D\=\>"
" Character string constants
syn match asm6809StringError "'[ -~]*'"
syn match asm6809StringError "'[ -~]*$"
syn region asm6809String start="'" skip="''" end="'" oneline contains=asm6809CharError
syn match asm6809CharError "[^ -~]" contained
" Immediate data
syn match asm6809Immediate "#\$[0-9a-fA-F]\+" contains=hexNumber
syn match asm6809Immediate "#[0-9][0-9a-fA-F]*H" contains=hexNumber
syn match asm6809Immediate "#@[0-7]\+" contains=octNumber
syn match asm6809Immediate "#[0-7]\+[QO]" contains=octNumber
syn match asm6809Immediate "#%[01]\+" contains=binNumber
syn match asm6809Immediate "#[01]\+B" contains=binNumber
syn match asm6809Immediate "#[0-9]\+D\=" contains=decNumber
syn match asm6809Symbol "[a-z_?.][a-z0-9_?.$]*" contained
syn match asm6809Immediate "#[a-z_?.][a-z0-9_?.$]*" contains=asm6809Symbol
" Special items for comments
syn keyword asm6809Todo contained TODO
" Operators
syn match asm6809Operator "[-+*/]" " Must occur before Comments
syn match asm6809Operator "SIZEOF"
syn match asm6809Operator "<" " shift left
syn match asm6809Operator ">" " shift right
syn match asm6809Operator "&" " bit-wise logical and
syn match asm6809Operator "!" " bit-wise logical or
syn match asm6809Operator "!!" " exclusive or
syn match asm6809Operator "<>" " inequality
syn match asm6809Operator "|" " bit-wise logical or
syn match asm6809Operator "=" " must be before other ops containing '='
syn match asm6809Operator ">="
syn match asm6809Operator "<="
syn match asm6809Operator "==" " operand existance - used in macro definitions
" Comments
syn match asm6809Comment ";.*" contains=asm6809Todo
"syn match asm6809Comment "\s!.*"ms=s+1 contains=asm6809Todo
"syn match asm6809Comment "^\s*[*!].*" contains=asm6809Todo
syn match asm6809Comment "\*.*$"
" Include
syn match asm6809Include "\<INCLUDE\s"
syn match asm6809Include "\<INCLUDEBIN\s"
" Standard macros
syn match asm6809Cond "\<IF\(\.[BWL]\)\=\s"
syn match asm6809Cond "\<THEN\(\.[SL]\)\=\>"
syn match asm6809Cond "\<ELSE\(\.[SL]\)\=\>"
syn match asm6809Cond "\<ENDI\>"
syn match asm6809Cond "\<BREAK\(\.[SL]\)\=\>"
" Macro definition
syn match asm6809Macro "\<MACRO\>"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<LOCAL\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<MEXIT\>"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<ENDM\>"
syn match asm6809MacroParam "\\[0-9]"
" Conditional assembly
syn match asm6809PreCond "\<IFC\s"
syn match asm6809PreCond "\<IFDEF\s"
syn match asm6809PreCond "\<IFEQ\s"
syn match asm6809PreCond "\<IFGE\s"
syn match asm6809PreCond "\<IFGT\s"
syn match asm6809PreCond "\<IFLE\s"
syn match asm6809PreCond "\<IFLT\s"
syn match asm6809PreCond "\<IFNC\>"
syn match asm6809PreCond "\<IFNDEF\s"
syn match asm6809PreCond "\<IFNE\s"
syn match asm6809PreCond "\<ELSEC\>"
syn match asm6809PreCond "\<ENDC\>"
" Loop control
syn match asm6809PreCond "\<REPT\s"
syn match asm6809PreCond "\<IRP\s"
syn match asm6809PreCond "\<IRPC\s"
syn match asm6809PreCond "\<ENDR\>"
" Directives (some styled like Macro for visual impact)
syn match asm6809Macro "\<ALIGN\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<CHIP\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<COMLINE\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<COMMON\(\.S\)\=\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<DC\(\.[BWLSDXP]\)\=\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<DC\.\\[0-9]\s"me=e-3 " Special use in a macro def
syn match asm6809Macro "\<DCB\(\.[BWLSDXP]\)\=\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<DS\(\.[BWLSDXP]\)\=\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<END\>"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<ENDSECTION\>"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<ENDSTRUCT\>"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<EQU\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<FEQU\(\.[SDXP]\)\=\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<FAIL\>"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<FOPT\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<\(NO\)\=FORMAT\>"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<IDNT\>"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<\(NO\)\=LIST\>"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<LLEN\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<MASK2\>"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<NAME\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<NOOBJ\>"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<OFFSET\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<OPT\>"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<ORG\(\.[SL]\)\=\>"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<\(NO\)\=PAGE\>"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<PLEN\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<REG\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<RESTORE\>"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<SAVE\>"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<SECT\(\.S\)\=\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<SECTION\(\.S\)\=\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<SET\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<SPC\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<STRUCT\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<STRUCT\>"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<TTL\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<XCOM\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<XDEF\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<XREF\(\.S\)\=\s"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<EXPORT\>"
syn match asm6809Macro "\<IMPORT\>"
" Data directives
syn match asm6809Directive "\<FCB\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<\.DB\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<\.BYTE\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<FDB\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<\.DW\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<\.WORD\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<FQB\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<\.QUAD\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<\.4BYTE\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<FCC\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<\.ASCII\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<\.STR\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<FCN\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<\.ASCIZ\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<\.STRZ\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<FCS\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<\.ASCIS\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<\.STRS\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<ZMB\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<ZMD\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<ZMQ\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<RMB\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<\.BLKB\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<\.DS\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<\.RS\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<RMD\s"
syn match asm6809Directive "\<RMQ\s"
syn case match
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_asm6809_syntax_inits")
if version < 508
let did_asm6809_syntax_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
" The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later
" Comment Constant Error Identifier PreProc Special Statement Todo Type
" Constant Boolean Character Number String
" Identifier Function
" PreProc Define Include Macro PreCondit
" Special Debug Delimiter SpecialChar SpecialComment Tag
" Statement Conditional Exception Keyword Label Operator Repeat
" Type StorageClass Structure Typedef
HiLink asm6809Comment Comment
HiLink asm6809Todo Todo
HiLink hexNumber Number " Constant
HiLink octNumber Number " Constant
HiLink binNumber Number " Constant
HiLink decNumber Number " Constant
HiLink asm6809Immediate SpecialChar " Statement
"HiLink asm6809Symbol Constant
HiLink asm6809String String " Constant
HiLink asm6809CharError Error
HiLink asm6809StringError Error
HiLink asm6809Reg Identifier
HiLink asm6809Operator Identifier
HiLink asm6809Include Include " PreProc
HiLink asm6809Macro Macro " PreProc
HiLink asm6809MacroParam Keyword " Statement
HiLink asm6809Directive Special
HiLink asm6809PreCond Special
HiLink asm6809Opcode Statement
HiLink asm6809Cond Conditional " Statement
HiLink asm6809Repeat Repeat " Statement
HiLink asm6809Label Type
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "asm6809"
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