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Last active March 8, 2017 16:44
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Lazyness and the duality between Sums and Products
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
import Data.Foldable
import Control.Applicative
data Either a b = Left a | Right b
data Eithers t a b
= Eithers
{ lefts :: t a
, rights :: t b
consEither :: Either a b -> Eithers [] a b -> Eithers [] a b
consEither e (Eithers xs ys) = case e of
Left x -> Eithers (x:xs) ys
Right y -> Eithers xs (y:ys)
eithers :: Foldable t => t (Either a b) -> Eithers [] a b
eithers = foldr consEither (Eithers [] [])
genericEithers :: (Foldable t, Alternative s) => t (Either a b) -> Eithers s a b
genericEithers = foldr f' (Eithers empty empty)
f' e (Eithers xs ys) = case e of
Left x -> Eithers (pure x <|> xs) ys
Right y -> Eithers xs (pure y <|> ys)
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