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Last active September 8, 2016 17:07
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Lossy Histogram On Positive Reals
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module LossyHistogram
( Histogram
, histResolution
, histMagnitude
, histBuckets
, mkHistogram
, fromList
, keys
) where
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
fromList :: (RealFrac a, Floating a) => Resolution -> [a] -> Histogram
fromList res = foldMap (mkHistogram res)
newtype Resolution = Resolution Int
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Integral, Real, Num)
newtype Magnitude = Magnitude Int
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Integral, Real, Num)
data Histogram
= Histogram
{ histResolution :: !Resolution
, histMagnitude :: !Magnitude
, histBuckets :: !(U.Vector Int) -- vector of: 10 ^ resolution
} deriving (Show, Eq)
zeroHist :: Histogram
zeroHist = Histogram 0 0 $ U.fromList [1]
keys :: (U.Unbox a, Enum a, RealFrac a, Floating a) => Histogram -> U.Vector a
keys h = U.take size (U.fromList [0, one .. upper])
size = 10 ^ histResolution h
one = 10 ** fromIntegral (histMagnitude h)
upper = 10 ** fromIntegral (histMagnitude h + 1)
mkHistogram :: (RealFrac a, Floating a) => Resolution -> a -> Histogram
mkHistogram res v
| v == 0 = zeroHist
| bucket == 10 ^ res = Histogram res (mag + 1) $ vec U.// [(0, 1)]
| otherwise = Histogram res (mag) $ vec U.// [(bucket, 1)]
vec = mkBuckets res
mag = magnitude v
bucket = floor $ v / (10 ** fromIntegral (mag + 1 - fromIntegral res))
mkBuckets :: Resolution -> U.Vector Int
mkBuckets res = U.replicate (10 ^ res) 0
-- | Commutative Monoid
instance Monoid Histogram where
mempty = Histogram 0 0 mempty
mappend !a !b
| a == mempty = b
| b == mempty = a
| a == zeroHist = b {histBuckets = U.accum (+) (histBuckets b) [(0, 1)] }
| b == zeroHist = a {histBuckets = U.accum (+) (histBuckets a) [(0, 1)] }
| mismatchedRes = smear a b
| otherwise = cat
mismatchedRes = histResolution a /= histResolution b
magA = histMagnitude a
magB = histMagnitude b
| magA == magB = a {histBuckets = U.zipWith (+) (histBuckets a) (histBuckets b)}
| magA < magB = a `condenseInto` b
| otherwise = b `condenseInto` a
condenseInto :: Histogram -> Histogram -> Histogram
condenseInto !a !b = scale (histMagnitude b) a `mappend` b
scale :: Magnitude -> Histogram -> Histogram
scale mag h
| mag == histMagnitude h = h
| mag > histMagnitude h =
h { histBuckets = genericScale
(mkBuckets $ histResolution h)
(histMagnitude h)
(histBuckets h)
, histMagnitude = mag
| otherwise = error "scale: Cannot scale to a smaller magnitude"
smear :: Histogram -> Histogram -> Histogram
smear !a !b
| resA <= resB = a `mappend` blur resA b
| otherwise = blur resB a `mappend` b
resA = histResolution a
resB = histResolution b
blur :: Resolution -> Histogram -> Histogram
blur res h
| res == histResolution h = h
| res < histResolution h =
h { histResolution = res
, histBuckets = genericScale
(mkBuckets res)
(histResolution h)
(histBuckets h)
| otherwise = error "blur: Cannot blur to a greater resolution"
genericScale :: Integral a => a -> U.Vector Int -> a -> U.Vector Int -> U.Vector Int
genericScale to defBuckets from buckets = U.accum (+) defBuckets accums
divisor = 10 ^ (to - from) :: Double
scale' (x, y) = (floor (x / divisor), y)
accums = fmap scale' . zip [0..] $ U.toList buckets
magnitude :: (RealFrac a, Floating a) => a -> Magnitude
magnitude n = floor $ logBase 10 n
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