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Last active March 9, 2018 20:44
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A brute force solution to verbal arithmetic
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.Foldable (for_, traverse_)
import Data.List (nub, permutations, unwords)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
test :: IO ()
test = do
let solutions = findSolutions testCase
for_ solutions $ \solution ->
putStrLn . unwords $ uncurry (:) . second show <$> Map.toList solution
-- Solution is: d7 e5 m1 n6 o0 r8 s9 y2
testCase = VerbalArithmetic "send" "more" "money" (+)
data VerbalArithmetic = VerbalArithmetic
{ input1 :: String
, input2 :: String
, result :: String
, operation :: Int -> Int -> Int
findSolutions :: VerbalArithmetic -> [Map Char Int]
findSolutions v = nub
. filter (doesMappingMatch v)
. getAllPossibleValues
$ collectCharacters v
collectCharacters :: VerbalArithmetic -> String
collectCharacters v = nub $ input1 v ++ input2 v ++ result v
getAllPossibleValues :: String -> [Map Char Int]
getAllPossibleValues characters = do
oneThroughNine <- permutations [0..9]
pure . Map.fromList $ zip characters oneThroughNine
doesMappingMatch :: VerbalArithmetic -> Map Char Int -> Bool
doesMappingMatch v valueMap = fromMaybe False $ do
val1 <- intFromString valueMap $ input1 v
val2 <- intFromString valueMap $ input2 v
valResult <- intFromString valueMap $ result v
let op = operation v
pure $ val1 `op` val2 == valResult
intFromString :: Map Char Int -> String -> Maybe Int
intFromString valueMap str = do
strInt <- concatMap show <$> traverse (`Map.lookup` valueMap) str
let firstInt = head strInt
guard $ firstInt /= '0'
pure $ read strInt
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.Foldable (for_, traverse_)
import Data.List (nub, permutations, unwords)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.String (IsString(..))
test :: IO ()
test = do
let solutions = findSolutions testCase
for_ solutions $ \solution ->
putStrLn . unwords $ uncurry (:) . second show <$> Map.toList solution
-- Solution is: ka7 c6 e3 i2 n5 o0 r4 s1 t9 u8
testCase = VerbalArithmetic ("costarica" `Add` "eritrea" `Add` "estonia") "countries"
data VerbalArithmetic = VerbalArithmetic
{ arithmetic :: Arithmetic String
, result :: String
data Arithmetic a
= Val a
| Add (Arithmetic a) (Arithmetic a)
| Sub (Arithmetic a) (Arithmetic a)
| Mul (Arithmetic a) (Arithmetic a)
| Div (Arithmetic a) (Arithmetic a)
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance IsString (Arithmetic String) where
fromString = Val
-- These could be fancier with recursion-schemes
extractStrings :: Arithmetic String -> String
extractStrings (Val x) = x
extractStrings (Add x y) = extractStrings x ++ extractStrings y
extractStrings (Sub x y) = extractStrings x ++ extractStrings y
extractStrings (Mul x y) = extractStrings x ++ extractStrings y
extractStrings (Div x y) = extractStrings x ++ extractStrings y
runArithmetic :: Arithmetic Int -> Int
runArithmetic (Val x) = x
runArithmetic (Add x y) = runArithmetic x + runArithmetic y
runArithmetic (Sub x y) = runArithmetic x - runArithmetic y
runArithmetic (Mul x y) = runArithmetic x * runArithmetic y
runArithmetic (Div x y) = runArithmetic x `div` runArithmetic y
findSolutions :: VerbalArithmetic -> [Map Char Int]
findSolutions v = nub
. filter (doesMappingMatch v)
. getAllPossibleValues
$ collectCharacters v
collectCharacters :: VerbalArithmetic -> String
collectCharacters v = nub $ extractStrings (arithmetic v) ++ result v
getAllPossibleValues :: String -> [Map Char Int]
getAllPossibleValues characters = do
oneThroughNine <- permutations [0..9]
pure . Map.fromList $ zip characters oneThroughNine
doesMappingMatch :: VerbalArithmetic -> Map Char Int -> Bool
doesMappingMatch v valueMap = fromMaybe False $ do
valArithmetic <- traverse (intFromString valueMap) $ arithmetic v
valResult <- intFromString valueMap $ result v
pure $ runArithmetic valArithmetic == valResult
intFromString :: Map Char Int -> String -> Maybe Int
intFromString valueMap str = do
strInt <- concatMap show <$> traverse (`Map.lookup` valueMap) str
let firstInt = head strInt
guard $ firstInt /= '0'
pure $ read strInt
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