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Last active April 18, 2017 15:07
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Nested array json queries with view
# Here's the migration to pull each shipment_event into its own row in a view
class CreateTrackingEventsView < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
sql = %{
json_array_elements(tracking_info->'shipment_events') as info,
number as shipment_number
FROM shipments where (tracking_info->'shipment_events') IS NOT NULL
# create_view comes from schema_plus
create_view 'tracking_events', sql, :force => true
# Here's a model to query that view
class TrackingEvent < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :shipment, foreign_key: :shipment_number, primary_key: :number
scope :delivered, -> { where("info->>'name' = ?", EVENT_TEXTS[:delivered]) }
scope :movement, -> { where("info->>'name' IN (?)", EVENT_TEXTS[:movement]) }
scope :del_attempt, -> { where("info->>'name' IN (?)", EVENT_TEXTS[:del_attempt]) }
# When was the first event?
# When was the last shipment event (meaning the shipment was finally delivered)?
# How many shipments have a failed delivery attempt?
# When was the first failed delivery attempt?
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