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Last active February 20, 2023 02:07
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Pure typescript solution to infer `params` and `meta` types in `call` and `mcall`
import {
} from 'moleculer'
import { AllActionsUnion } from './actions'
type Resolve<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer R> ? R : T
type RemoveIndex<T> = {
[K in keyof T as string extends K ? never : number extends K ? never : K]: T[K]
type ContextParam<T> = T extends Context<infer P> ? P : unknown
type ActionContext<T extends keyof AllActionsUnion> = Parameters<AllActionsUnion[T]>[0]
type XMCallDefinition<T extends string> = T extends keyof AllActionsUnion
? Omit<Partial<MCallDefinition<ContextParam<ActionContext<T>>>>, 'action'> & { action: T }
: never
type ActionReturnType<T extends keyof AllActionsUnion> = Resolve<ReturnType<AllActionsUnion[T]>>
type XCallingOptions<T> = T extends Context<any, infer M>
? CallingOptions & { meta?: Partial<M> }
: CallingOptions
type ExtendCallMethod<T extends keyof AllActionsUnion = keyof AllActionsUnion> = {
call<K extends T>(actionName: K): Promise<ActionReturnType<K>>
call<K extends T>(
actionName: K,
params: ContextParam<ActionContext<K>>,
opts?: XCallingOptions<ActionContext<K>>,
): Promise<ActionReturnType<K>>
mcall<U extends Record<string, XMCallDefinition<T>>>(
def: U,
opts?: MCallCallingOptions,
): Promise<{ [K in keyof U]: ActionReturnType<U[K]['action']> }>
mcall<U extends XMCallDefinition<keyof AllActionsUnion>[]>(
def: [...U],
opts?: MCallCallingOptions,
): Promise<{ [K in keyof U]: ActionReturnType<U[K]['action']> }>
type XServiceBroker = Omit<RemoveIndex<ServiceBroker>, 'call' | 'mcall'> & ExtendCallMethod
type XContext<P = unknown, M extends object = {}> = Omit<
Context<P, M>,
'call' | 'mcall' | 'broker'
> &
ExtendCallMethod & { broker: XServiceBroker }
export const createActions = <T extends ServiceActionsSchema>(actions: T) => actions
export const xContext = <P, M extends object>(ctx: Context<P, M>) => ctx as XContext<P, M>
export const xBroker = (broker: ServiceBroker) => broker as XServiceBroker
import { ActionSchema, ServiceActionsSchema } from 'moleculer'
import type * as HealthCheck from './services/healthCheck.service'
type ServiceMap<S extends ServiceActionsSchema, V extends string, N extends string> = {
[K in keyof S as `${V}.${N}.${K & string}`]: S[K] extends ActionSchema ? S[K]['handler'] : S[K]
export type AllActionsUnion = ServiceMap<HealthCheck.Actions, HealthCheck.Version, HealthCheck.Name>
import { createActions } from '../x.moleculer'
const name = 'healthCheck'
const version = 1
const actions = createActions({
check() {
return 'Works'
* You can declare actions using satisfies keyword in Typescript 4.9+
* const actions = {
* check() {
* return 'Works'
* },
* } satisfies ServiceActionsSchema
export type Actions = typeof actions
export type Name = typeof name
export type Version = `v${typeof version}`
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