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Forked from kartikynwa/challenge_2.sql
Last active April 7, 2023 22:03
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Challenge 2 of based on kartikynwa version but without plpgsql
create table if not exists users
id int primary key generated always as identity,
name text not null
create table if not exists apikeys
userid int references users(id),
apikey text not null
create type userrole as enum ('user', 'admin');
create table if not exists userroles
userid int references users(id) unique,
role userrole not null
insert into users (name) values ('eve'), ('adam');
insert into userroles (userid, role) values (1, 'admin'), (2, 'user');
insert into apikeys (userid, apikey)
values (1, 'ihie1HaiG3vaeyiez1ah'), (2, 'loh7eeDishaip4PheKoh');
create table if not exists motd
id int primary key generated always as identity,
content text,
posted_at timestamp default now()
create or replace function show_motd() returns setof omni_httpd.http_response as $$
omni_httpd.http_response('Posted at ' || posted_at || E'\n' || content)
order by
posted_at desc
limit 1;
$$ language sql;
create or replace function update_motd(request omni_httpd.http_request) returns omni_httpd.http_response as $$
with inserts as (
with is_authorized as (
select 1 from apikeys ak join userroles ur on ak.userid = ur.userid
where ak.apikey = omni_httpd.http_header_get(request.headers, 'authorization')
and ur.role = 'admin'
insert into motd (content)
select convert_from(request.body, 'UTF8') from is_authorized
returning 1
select case when (select count(*) from inserts) <> 0
then omni_httpd.http_response(status => 201)
else omni_httpd.http_response(status => 403, body => 'Unauthorized')
$$ language sql;
create or replace function no_motd() returns setof omni_httpd.http_response as $$
select omni_httpd.http_response('No MOTD');
$$ language sql;
update omni_httpd.handlers
query = (select
omni_httpd.cascading_query(name, query order by priority desc nulls last)
('show', $$select show_motd() from request where request.method = 'GET'$$, 1),
('update', $$select update_motd(request.*) from request where request.method = 'POST'$$, 1),
('fallback', $$select no_motd() from request where request.method = 'GET'$$,
0)) handlers(name, query, priority));
-- ➜ ~ curl -v --data "new motd" http://localhost:8080
-- * Trying
-- * Connected to localhost ( port 8080 (#0)
-- > POST / HTTP/1.1
-- > Host: localhost:8080
-- > User-Agent: curl/7.86.0
-- > Accept: */*
-- > Content-Length: 8
-- > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
-- >
-- * Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
-- < HTTP/1.1 403 OK
-- < Connection: keep-alive
-- < Server: omni_httpd-0.1
-- < content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
-- < transfer-encoding: chunked
-- <
-- * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
-- Unauthorized%
-- ➜ ~ curl -v --data "new motd" --header 'authorization: inexistent_token' http://localhost:8080
-- * Trying
-- * Connected to localhost ( port 8080 (#0)
-- > POST / HTTP/1.1
-- > Host: localhost:8080
-- > User-Agent: curl/7.86.0
-- > Accept: */*
-- > authorization: inexistent_token
-- > Content-Length: 8
-- > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
-- >
-- * Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
-- < HTTP/1.1 403 OK
-- < Connection: keep-alive
-- < Server: omni_httpd-0.1
-- < content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
-- < transfer-encoding: chunked
-- <
-- * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
-- Unauthorized%
-- ➜ ~ curl -v --data "MOTD for Omnigre Challenge 2" --header 'authorization: ihie1HaiG3vaeyiez1ah' http://localhost:8080
-- * Trying
-- * Connected to localhost ( port 8080 (#0)
-- > POST / HTTP/1.1
-- > Host: localhost:8080
-- > User-Agent: curl/7.86.0
-- > Accept: */*
-- > authorization: ihie1HaiG3vaeyiez1ah
-- > Content-Length: 28
-- > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
-- >
-- * Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
-- < HTTP/1.1 201 OK
-- < Connection: keep-alive
-- < Server: omni_httpd-0.1
-- < transfer-encoding: chunked
-- <
-- * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
-- ➜ ~ curl
-- Posted at 2023-04-07 19:57:17.678496
-- MOTD for Omnigre Challenge 2%
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