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Last active October 27, 2016 12:59
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Brightness and Contrast adjustment in InDesign CS4 [MAC]
-- Author : Emin Bugra Saral
-- Author Website :
-- Sources :
-- Purpose : Changing brightness and contrast of an image in InDesign CS4 by using Photoshop CS4
-- Warning: Please be sure you read "readme.txt"
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS4"
-- default values :
set defaultBValue to 80
set defaultCValue to 0
set defaultSaveValue to false
-- create dialog
set adjuster to make dialog
tell adjuster
-- title
set name to "Brightness and Contrast settings for Photoshop CS4"
set myColumn to make dialog column
tell myColumn
-- bordered area, asking for values
set myBorder to make border panel
tell myBorder
make static text with properties {static label:"Brightness Level % "}
set brightnessLevel to make integer editbox with properties {edit value:defaultBValue}
make static text with properties {static label:"Contrast Level % "}
set contrastLevel to make integer editbox with properties {edit value:defaultCValue}
end tell
-- unbordered area, asking before saving
set saving to make checkbox control with properties {static label:"Ask me before saving", checked state:defaultSaveValue}
-- showing limits
make static text with properties {static label:""}
make static text with properties {static label:"Brightness must be between -150 and 150"}
make static text with properties {static label:"Contrast must be between -50 and 100"}
end tell
end tell
-- InDesign - Photoshop controlling
if selection = {} then
-- if nothing is selected
display dialog "You did NOT select anything!" with icon 0
else if class of item 1 of selection is in {rectangle, oval, polygon} or class of item 1 of selection is in {image, PDF, EPS} then
-- checking if the image is directly selected or not
if class of item 1 of selection is in {rectangle, oval, polygon} then -- frame
set imageLink to item link of graphic 1 of selection
set imagePath to file path of item link of graphic 1 of selection
else if class of item 1 of selection is in {image, PDF, EPS} then -- directly
set imageLink to item link of item 1 of selection
set imagePath to file path of item link of item 1 of selection
end if
-- myStatus holds for controlling input errors, to continue the while loop
set myStatus to true
repeat while myStatus is true
set showAdjuster to show adjuster
-- if user pressed OK
if showAdjuster is true then
-- saving result check to define parameter will be used in PS CS4
if checked state of saving is true then
set savingParam to ask
set savingParam to yes
end if
-- initialize error message
set errorMsg to null
-- define variables from inputs which will be used in PS CS4
set theBrightness to edit value of brightnessLevel
set theContrast to edit value of contrastLevel
-- some logic statements
if theBrightness is 0 and theContrast is 0 then
set myStatus to false
destroy adjuster
else if theBrightness > 150 then
set errorMsg to "Brightness Level cannot be greater than 150"
set edit value of brightnessLevel to 150
else if theBrightness < -150 then
set errorMsg to "Brightness Level cannot be less than -150"
set edit value of brightnessLevel to -150
else if theContrast > 100 then
set errorMsg to "Contrast Level cannot be greater than 100"
set edit value of contrastLevel to 100
else if theContrast < -50 then
set errorMsg to "Contrast Level cannot be less than -50"
set edit value of contrastLevel to -50
-- stop while loop and open PS CS4
set myStatus to false
destroy adjuster
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS4"
open file imagePath
-- adjustment function with parameters taken above
adjust current layer of the current document using brightness and contrast with options {class:brightness and contrast, brightness level:theBrightness, contrast level:theContrast}
-- saving with the parameter taken above
close document 1 saving savingParam
end tell
-- time to pass on InDesign CS4
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS4"
-- refresh the image
relink imageLink to file imagePath
end tell
end if
-- if there was any error in logic, show it to the user
if errorMsg is not null then
display dialog errorMsg with icon 0
end if
-- if the user pressed CANCEL, destroy everything and stop while loop
destroy adjuster
set myStatus to false
end if
end repeat
-- if the selected thing is neither an image's frame nor image
display dialog "Please select an image frame!" with icon 0
end if
end tell
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