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Last active July 31, 2023 01:15
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  1. A Brief History of Commercial Capitalism - Banaji

Started / Continuing

  • The Price of Time - Chancellor


  1. Making Money - Christine Desan
  2. History of Money - Jack Weatherford
  3. The Role of Money - Frederick Soddy
  4. The Long Twentieth Century - Giovanni Arrighi
  5. Double Entry - Jane Gleeson-White
  6. The Dawn of Everything - Graeber Wengrow
  7. The Currency of Politics - Stefan Eich
  8. Capitalism and Slavery - Eric Williams
  9. Kings Two Bodies - Ernst Kantorowicz
  10. The End of Finance - Amato & Fantacci
  11. A Global History of Money - Akinobu Kuroda
  12. Capital as Power - Bichler and Nitzan
  13. Super Imperialism - Hudson
  14. The Silk Roads - Frankopan
  15. Structure and Change in Economic History - North

Started / Continuing

  • Social History of Agriculture
  • Theory of the Leisure Class
  • Credit Nation
  • Cloudmoney - Brett Scott
  • Eichmann in Jerusalem
  • Anti-Oedipus
  • The Difference Money Makes - Drumm
  • The Wheels of Commerce - Braudel
  • A Theory of Economic History - Hicks
  • The Price of Peace (Keynes bio) - Carter


  1. The Road to Serfdom - Hayek
  2. The Great Transformation - Karl Polanyi
  3. The Theory of Money and Credit - Ludwig von Mises
  4. Progress and Poverty - Henry George
  5. Interest and Prices - Knut Wicksell
  6. Lombard Street - Walter Bagehot
  7. New Lombard Street - Perry Mehrling
  8. Stuff and Money in the French Revolution - Rebecca Spang
  9. The Deficit Myth - Stephanie Kelton
  10. The Nature of Money - Geoffrey Ingham
  11. The DAO of Capital -
  12. The Worldly Philosophers -
  13. Less Than Zero - George Selgin
  14. The Menace of Fiscal QE - George Selgin

Started / Continuing

  • Das Kapital
  • Stabilizing an Unstable Economy
  • Fischer Black
  • How to Make Money in a Mismanaged Economy
  • Making Money - Desan
  • Capitalism, Socialism, Democracy
  • Theory of the Leisure Class


  1. Overstory
  2. Moon of the Crusted Snow
  3. Death of Money - Rickards
  4. Nature of Economies - Jacobs
  5. Dark Age Ahead - Jacobs
  6. Lords of Finance
  7. Never Split the Difference
  8. History of the Mongols
  9. 15 Dogs
  10. Liars Poker

Started / Continuing

  • Governing the Commons
  • Sovereign Individual
  • Stamped from the Beginning
  • Competing Against Luck
  • Resilient Management
  • Joy at Work
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