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Created June 5, 2015 12:53
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Double-Stack Haskell implementation using State and Maybe monads.
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
type DoubleStack = ([Int],[Int])
main = do
putStrLn ("Insert an initial doubleStack in the format: ([1,2,3],[4,5,6])")
initialStack <- getLine
stackManip (Just (read initialStack))
--main = do
--putStrLn ("Insert an initial doubleStack in the format: ([1,2,3],[4,5,6])")
--initialStack <- getLine
--putStrLn ("You inserted " ++ s)
--putStrLn (show (runState (do push 7; move; move; pop; pop) (Just (read initialStack))))
--PUSH: pushes an Int on the top of the left stack. It returns a couple
--(Nothing, Just doubleStack-state) or (Nothing, Nothing) if the operation is
--part of an already illegal sequence of operations (i.e. the previous state
--was Nothing).
push :: Int -> State (Maybe DoubleStack) (Maybe Int)
push a = do
s <- get
if s == Nothing then do
put Nothing
return Nothing
else do
Just (xs,ys) <- get
put (Just ((a:xs),ys))
return Nothing
--MOVE: moves the value on the top of the left stack to the top of
--the right stack.
--It returns a couple (Nothing, Just doubleStack-state) or (Nothing, Nothing)
--if the left stack is empty or if the operation is part of an already illegal
--sequence of operations (i.e. the previous state was Nothing).
move :: State (Maybe DoubleStack) (Maybe Int)
move = do
s <- get
if s == Nothing then do
put Nothing
return Nothing
else do
Just (xs, ys) <- get
if xs == [] then do
put Nothing
return Nothing
else do
Just ((x:xs),ys) <- get
put (Just (xs,(x:ys)))
return Nothing
--POP: pops the value on the top of the right stack. The function returns
--a couple (Just Int, Just doubleStack-state) or (Nothing, Nothing) if the
--right stack is empty or if the operation is part of an already illegal
--sequence of operations (i.e. the previous state was Nothing).
pop :: State (Maybe DoubleStack) (Maybe Int)
pop = do
s <- get
if s == Nothing then do
put Nothing
return Nothing
else do
Just (xs, ys) <- get
if ys == [] then do
put Nothing
return Nothing
else do
Just (xs,(y:ys)) <- get
put (Just (xs,ys))
return (Just y)
--Function that, given a couple (Maybe Int, Maybe DoubleStack) as the ones
--returned by the defined operations, it returns the DoubleStack state.
--It is an helper function of the stackManip function.
extractState :: (Maybe Int, Maybe DoubleStack) -> (Maybe DoubleStack)
extractState (_,b) = b
--Function used to implement the cycle in the interactive main, it calls
--itself indefinetely in a recursive way.
--The user, at every recursive iteration, can decide to perform
--an operation (pop, push or move) or to exit.
stackManip :: (Maybe DoubleStack) -> IO ()
stackManip init = do
putStrLn ("Choose an operation:")
putStrLn ("1) pop;")
putStrLn ("2) move;")
putStrLn ("3) push;")
putStrLn ("4) close program.")
putStrLn ("Insert the number of the operation.")
op <- getLine
if op == "1" then do
putStrLn ("----------------------------")
putStrLn ("RESULT:")
putStrLn (show (runState (do pop) init))
stackManip (extractState (runState (do pop) init))
else if op == "2" then do
putStrLn ("----------------------------")
putStrLn ("RESULT:")
putStrLn (show (runState (do move) init))
stackManip (extractState (runState (do move) init))
else if op == "3" then do
putStrLn ("Insert the number to push:")
num <- getLine
putStrLn ("----------------------------")
putStrLn ("RESULT:")
putStrLn (show (runState (do push (read num)) init))
stackManip (extractState (runState (do push (read num)) init))
else if op == "4" then do
putStrLn ("End.")
else do
putStrLn ("Invalid operation.")
stackManip init
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