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Created March 27, 2018 21:58
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from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication, QMainWindow, QDialog, QHBoxLayout
from PyQt4.QtCore import SIGNAL
from Koo.Rpc import Rpc
from Koo.Common import Api
from Koo.Common import Localization
from Koo.Dialogs import WindowService
x = Rpc.session.login('http://admin:admin@localhost:8069', 'test_1522167327')
app = QApplication([])
class TestWindow(QMainWindow):
def addWindow(self, window, target):
parent = QApplication.activeModalWidget()
if not parent:
parent = self
dialog = QDialog(parent)
dialog.setWindowTitle( _('Wizard') )
dialog.setModal( True )
layout = QHBoxLayout(dialog)
layout.setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
window.setParent( dialog )
self.connect( window, SIGNAL('closed()'), dialog.accept )
win = TestWindow()
class KooApi(Api.KooApi):
def execute(self, actionId, data={}, type=None, context={}):
Koo.Actions.execute( actionId, data, type, context )
def executeReport(self, name, data={}, context={}):
return Koo.Actions.executeReport( name, data, context )
def executeAction(self, action, data={}, context={}):
Koo.Actions.executeAction( action, data, context )
def executeKeyword(self, keyword, data={}, context={}):
return Koo.Actions.executeKeyword( keyword, data, context )
def createWindow(self, view_ids, model, res_id=False, domain=None,
view_type='form', window=None, context=None, mode=None, name=False, autoReload=False,
WindowService.createWindow( view_ids, model, res_id, domain,
view_type, window, context, mode, name, autoReload, target )
def createWebWindow(self, url, title):
WindowService.createWebWindow(url, title)
def windowCreated(self, window, target):
win.addWindow( window, target )
Api.instance = KooApi()
Api.instance.createWindow([], 'res.partner', 1, target='current')
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