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Created May 11, 2019 21:30
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Redux like store as ember data model instance
A model to give us some redux store like behavior
Note that typically the state object comes from a reducer
The responsibility of this model is to give us something we can
store our state history when using the redux pattern
Also this model contains some helper functions to build stuff like redux actions
import Ember from 'ember';
import DS from 'ember-data';
const { get, set, computed, isEmpty, isPresent, A } = Ember;
export default DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'), // a friendly name of the store
context: DS.attr('string'), // typically the name of the component or controller that this was used in
reducerName: DS.attr('string'), // name the reducer that we use to derive state
state: DS.attr(),
maxHistorySize: DS.attr('number', { defaultValue: 10 }),
recentStateHistory: DS.attr({ defaultValue: function(){ return A([]);} }),
history: computed('recentStateHistory.length', 'recentStateHistory.[]', 'recentStateHistory', function(){
let recentStateHistory = get(this, 'recentStateHistory');
return recentStateHistory;
let maxHistorySize = get(this, 'maxHistorySize');
let recentStateHistory = get(this, 'recentStateHistory');
// behave like a circular buffer
if (recentStateHistory.length === maxHistorySize){
let updatedHistory = A(recentStateHistory);
set(this, 'recentStateHistory', updatedHistory.toArray());
set(this, 'state', state);
build a redux like action
payload: {
name: 'My Thing'
selected: true
buildAction(type='NOOP', payload=null){
let action = {
type: type
if (isEmpty(type)){
console.error('tried to create action without type');
return null;
if (isPresent(payload)){
action.payload = payload;
return action;
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