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Created July 25, 2013 11:37
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Fibonacci sequence
> fibonacciList = 1:1:zipWith (+) (tail fibonacciList) fibonacciList
Prime number sequence
> primeList = 2 : let oddList = [3,5..] in filter (\n-> and $ map (\x-> rem n x /= 0) $ takeWhile (\x -> x <= floor (fromIntegral n**(0.5))) primeList) oddList
Binomial coefficients for each order, called Pascal's Triangle
> pascalTriangleList = let fetch2 = (\(m,list) -> let ls = 1:map (\n->sum $ (take 2.drop n) list) [0..floor $ fromIntegral (m-1)/2] in ls ++ (if odd m then drop 1 else id) (reverse ls)) in [1]:[1,1]: (map fetch2 $ zip [1..] $ tail pascalTriangleList)
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