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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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Save eccstartup/9948534 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import Data.List
-- 第一行照写,第二行开头加空格反写;如果不够一行,前面加空格填充
arrange :: Int -> String -> [String]
arrange n str
| n == 1 = [str]
| length str <= n = [str]
| length str <= (2*n-1) = [take n str,replicate (2*n-1 - length str) ' ' ++ reverse (drop n str) ++ " "]
| otherwise = arrange n (take (2*n-1) str) ++ arrange n (drop (2*n-1) str)
-- 从第二组开始,填充一些空格,使得arrange得以实现
fill1 n str
| n == 1 = str
| length str <= 2*n-1 = str
| otherwise = (take (2*n-1) str) ++ fill2 n (drop (2*n-1) str)
where fill2 n st
| length st <= 2*n-2 = " "++ st
| otherwise = " " ++ (take (2*n-2) st) ++ fill2 n (drop (2*n-2) st)
zigzag n str = filter (/= ' ') $ concat $ transpose $ arrange n (fill1 n str)
tests = [zigzag 3 "PAYPALISHIRING" == "PAHNAPLSIIGYIR", zigzag 3 "ABCDEF" == "AEBDFC", zigzag 4 "ABCDEF" == "ABFCED", zigzag 4 "ABCDE" == "ABCED", zigzag 1 "AB" == "AB", zigzag 2 "ABCD" == "ACBD", zigzag 2 "ABC" == "ACB"]
main = print $ all (== True) tests
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