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Created November 6, 2014 14:52
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module Lab3 where
-- ===================================
-- Ex. 0 - 2
-- ===================================
evens :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
evens = filter even
-- ===================================
-- Ex. 3 - 4
-- ===================================
-- complete the following line with the correct type signature for this function
-- squares :: ...
squares :: Integer -> [Integer]
squares n = map (^2) [1..n]
sumSquares :: Integer -> Integer
sumSquares n = sum (squares n)
-- ===================================
-- Ex. 5 - 7
-- ===================================
-- complete the following line with the correct type signature for this function
-- squares' :: ...
squares' :: Integer -> Integer -> [Integer]
squares' m n = map (^2) [n+1..n+m]
sumSquares' :: Integer -> Integer
sumSquares' x = sum . uncurry squares' $ (x, x)
-- ===================================
-- Ex. 8
-- ===================================
coords :: Integer -> Integer -> [(Integer,Integer)]
coords m n = [(x,y)|x<-[0..m], y<-[0..n]]
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