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Last active February 23, 2017 11:03
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Guard argument
* For a more in depth look at the guard statement check out
* where I build off the sample shown here.
var x: Int? = 0
// Lets me unwrap x and also check a condition on it
func fooGuard() {
guard let x = x where x > 0 else {
// Do stuff with x
// I have to check it exists and force unwrap to check the condition.
// I also need to check the bad case rather than checking that its the good case.
// `x! <= 0` rather than `x! >= 0`
func fooManualCheck() {
if x == nil || x! <= 0 {
// Do stuff with x
// I am not doing early exiting here, but rather the bulk of code is done in the binding
func fooBinding() {
if let x = x where x > 0 {
// Do stuff with x
let y = 23
func fooNonOptional() {
guard y > 0 else {
//Do whatever you want with y since its valid
func fooNonOptional2() {
if y <= 0 {
//Do whatever you want with y since its valid
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