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Last active April 26, 2024 16:38
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import { AxiosError } from 'axios';
import { useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react';
interface useApiOptions<T = object, Args extends any[] = any[]> {
queryFn: (...args: Args) => Promise<T>;
onComplete?: (data: NonNullable<T>) => void;
immediate?: boolean;
type ErrorType = {
name: string;
reason?: string;
} | null;
const useQuery = <
T = Awaited<ReturnType<useApiOptions['queryFn']>>,
Args extends any[] = [],
options: useApiOptions<T, Args>,
watch?: any[]
) => {
const [response, setResponse] = useState<T>();
const [error, setError] = useState<ErrorType>(null);
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false);
const data = useRef<T>();
const refetch = useCallback(
async (...args: Args) => {
try {
data.current = await options.queryFn(...args);
setResponse(() => {
return data.current as T;
options?.onComplete?.(data.current as NonNullable<T>);
} catch (error) {
setError(() => {
if (error instanceof AxiosError) {
return {
reason: error.message,
return {
name: 'Network Error',
} finally {
return data.current as T;
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
[options.queryFn, options.onComplete]
useEffect(() => {
if (options.immediate === false) return;
refetch(...([] as any));
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [options.immediate, JSON.stringify(watch)]);
return {
data: response as NonNullable<T>,
export default useQuery;
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