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module Data.Distributor
( -- * lax monoidal profunctors
Monoidal (unit, (>*<)) , dimap2, (>*), (*<)
, replicateP, replicateP_, foreverP
, Mon (Mon), liftMon
-- * lax distributors
, Distributor (zero, (>+<), several, several1, possibly)
, dialt, (>|<)
, Dist (DistEmpty, DistEither)
, DistAlt (DistAlts), liftDistAlt
, DistRing (DistRing)
, Lint (Lint)
-- * choice and cochoice profunctors
, dimapMaybe, alternate, discriminate
, ChcMon (ChcPure, ChcAp), liftChcMon
, PartialExchange (PartialExchange)
-- * partial isomorphisms
, PartialIso, PartialIso', APartialIso, APartialIso'
, partialIso, withPartialIso
, coPartialIso, iterating, crossPartialIso, altPartialIso
, difoldl1, difoldr1, difoldl, difoldr, difoldl'
-- * streams
, Nil (_Nil), nil, Null (_Null, _NotNull)
, _Stream, _HeadTailMay, _HeadTail
, Stream (_LengthIs, _SplitAt)
, SimpleStream (_All, _AllNot, _Span, _Break)
-- * pattern matching
, (>$?<), (>?$<), (>?$?<)
, eot, inCase, onCase, dichainl, dichainl'
) where
import Control.Applicative hiding (WrappedArrow(..))
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Lens hiding (chosen)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bifunctor.Clown
import Data.Bifunctor.Joker
import Data.Bifunctor.Product
import Data.Functor.Adjunction (Adjunction, unabsurdL, cozipL)
import Data.Functor.Contravariant.Divisible hiding (chosen)
import qualified Data.Functor.Contravariant.Divisible as Con (chosen)
import Data.Profunctor hiding (WrappedArrow(..))
import qualified Data.Profunctor as Pro (WrappedArrow(..))
import Data.Profunctor.Composition
import Data.Profunctor.Monad
import Data.Void
import Generics.Eot
import GHC.Base (Constraint, Type)
import qualified Numeric.Algebra as Alg
import Witherable
class Profunctor p => Monoidal p where
unit :: p () ()
default unit :: (forall x. Applicative (p x)) => p () ()
unit = pure ()
(>*<) :: p a b -> p c d -> p (a,c) (b,d)
infixr 4 >*<
default (>*<)
:: (forall x. Applicative (p x))
=> p a b -> p c d -> p (a,c) (b,d)
x >*< y = (,) <$> lmap fst x <*> lmap snd y
instance Monoidal (->) where
unit = id
(>*<) = (***)
instance Monoid s => Monoidal (Forget s) where
unit = Forget mempty
Forget f >*< Forget g = Forget (\(a,c) -> f a <> g c)
instance Divisible f => Monoidal (Clown f) where
unit = Clown conquer
Clown x >*< Clown y = Clown (divided x y)
instance Applicative f => Monoidal (Joker f) where
unit = Joker (pure ())
Joker x >*< Joker y = Joker ((,) <$> x <*> y)
instance Arrow p => Monoidal (Pro.WrappedArrow p) where
unit = Pro.WrapArrow returnA
Pro.WrapArrow p >*< Pro.WrapArrow q = Pro.WrapArrow (p *** q)
instance (Monoidal p, Monoidal q)
=> Monoidal (Procompose p q) where
unit = Procompose unit unit
Procompose wb aw >*< Procompose vb av =
Procompose (wb >*< vb) (aw >*< av)
instance (Monoidal p, Monoidal q)
=> Monoidal (Product p q) where
unit = Pair unit unit
Pair x0 y0 >*< Pair x1 y1 = Pair (x0 >*< x1) (y0 >*< y1)
instance Functor f => Monoidal (Costar f) where
unit = Costar (const ())
Costar f >*< Costar g =
Costar (\ac -> (f (fst <$> ac), g (snd <$> ac)))
instance Applicative f => Monoidal (Star f) where
unit = Star (const (pure ()))
Star f >*< Star g =
Star (\(a,c) -> (,) <$> f a <*> g c)
deriving via (Star m) instance Monad m => Monoidal (Kleisli m)
:: Monoidal p
=> (s -> a)
-> (s -> c)
-> (b -> d -> t)
-> p a b -> p c d -> p s t
dimap2 f g h p q = dimap (f &&& g) (uncurry h) (p >*< q)
(>*) :: Monoidal p => p () c -> p a b -> p a b
u >* ab = dimap (pure () &&& id) snd (u >*< ab)
infixr 4 >*
(*<) :: Monoidal p => p a b -> p () c -> p a b
ab *< u = dimap (id &&& pure ()) fst (ab >*< u)
infixr 4 *<
replicateP :: Monoidal p => Int -> p a b -> p [a] [b]
replicateP n _ | n <= 0 = dimap (\_ -> ()) (\_ -> []) unit
replicateP n p =
dimap (head &&& tail) (uncurry (:)) (p >*< replicateP (n-1) p)
replicateP_ :: Monoidal p => Int -> p () b -> p a ()
replicateP_ n _ | n <= 0 = lmap (pure ()) unit
replicateP_ n p = p >* replicateP_ (n-1) p
foreverP :: Monoidal p => p () c -> p a b
foreverP p = let p' = p >* p' in p'
type Mon
:: ((Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type))
-- ^ your choice of free applicative
-> (Type -> Type -> Type)
-> Type -> Type -> Type
data Mon ap p a b where
Mon :: (a -> s) -> ap (p s) b -> Mon ap p a b
instance (forall f. Functor (ap f))
=> Functor (Mon ap p a) where
fmap g (Mon f x) = Mon f (g <$> x)
instance (forall f. Applicative (ap f))
=> Applicative (Mon ap p a) where
pure b = Mon id (pure b)
Mon f0 x0 <*> Mon f1 x1 =
lmap f0 (liftMon x0) <*> lmap f1 (liftMon x1)
instance (forall f. Functor (ap f)) => Profunctor (Mon ap p) where
dimap h g (Mon f x) = Mon (f . h) (g <$> x)
instance (forall f. Applicative (ap f)) => Monoidal (Mon ap p) where
unit = Mon id (pure ())
Mon f0 x0 >*< Mon f1 x1 =
lmap (f0 *** f1) (liftMon x0 >*< liftMon x1)
liftMon :: ap (p a) b -> Mon ap p a b
liftMon = Mon id
type Distributor :: (Type -> Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class Monoidal p => Distributor p where
zero :: p Void Void
default zero :: (forall x. Alternative (p x)) => p Void Void
zero = empty
(>+<) :: p a b -> p c d -> p (Either a c) (Either b d)
default (>+<)
:: (Choice p, Cochoice p, forall x. Alternative (p x))
=> p a b -> p c d -> p (Either a c) (Either b d)
p >+< q = alternate (Left p) <|> alternate (Right q)
infixr 3 >+<
:: (Cons s s a a, Cons t t b b, Nil t b)
=> p a b -> p s t
several p = withIso _Stream $ \consE unconsE ->
dimap consE unconsE (unit >+< several1 p)
:: (Cons s s a a, Cons t t b b, Nil t b)
=> p a b -> p (a,s) (b,t)
several1 p = p >*< several p
possibly :: p a b -> p (Maybe a) (Maybe b)
possibly p = dimap
(maybe (Left ()) Right)
(either (const Nothing) Just)
(unit >+< p)
instance Distributor (->) where
zero = id
(>+<) = (+++)
instance Monoid s => Distributor (Forget s) where
zero = Forget absurd
Forget kL >+< Forget kR = Forget (either kL kR)
instance Decidable f => Distributor (Clown f) where
zero = Clown (contramap absurd lost)
Clown x >+< Clown y = Clown (Con.chosen x y)
instance Alternative g => Distributor (Joker g) where
zero = Joker empty
Joker x >+< Joker y = Joker (Left <$> x <|> Right <$> y)
instance (ArrowZero p, ArrowChoice p)
=> Distributor (Pro.WrappedArrow p) where
zero = zeroArrow
(>+<) = (+++)
instance (Distributor p, Distributor q)
=> Distributor (Procompose p q) where
zero = Procompose zero zero
Procompose xL yL >+< Procompose xR yR =
Procompose (xL >+< xR) (yL >+< yR)
instance (Distributor p, Distributor q)
=> Distributor (Product p q) where
zero = Pair zero zero
Pair x0 y0 >+< Pair x1 y1 = Pair (x0 >+< x1) (y0 >+< y1)
deriving via (Star m) instance Monad m => Distributor (Kleisli m)
instance Applicative f => Distributor (Star f) where
zero = Star absurd
Star f >+< Star g =
Star (either (fmap Left . f) (fmap Right . g))
instance Adjunction f u => Distributor (Costar f) where
zero = Costar unabsurdL
Costar f >+< Costar g = Costar (bimap f g . cozipL)
:: Distributor p
=> (s -> Either a c)
-> (b -> t)
-> (d -> t)
-> p a b -> p c d -> p s t
dialt f g h p q = dimap f (either g h) (p >+< q)
(>|<) :: Distributor p => p a b -> p c b -> p (Either a c) b
(>|<) = dialt id id id
infixr 3 >|<
data Dist ap p a b where
:: (a -> Void)
-> Dist ap p a b
:: (a -> Either s c)
-> ap (p s) b
-> Dist ap p c b
-> Dist ap p a b
instance (forall f. Functor (ap f))
=> Functor (Dist ap p a) where fmap = rmap
instance (forall f. Applicative (ap f))
=> Applicative (Dist ap p a) where
pure b = liftDist (pure b)
-- 0*x=0
liftA2 _ (DistEmpty absurdum) _ = DistEmpty absurdum
-- (x+y)*z=x*z+y*z
liftA2 g (DistEither f x y) z =
ff a = bimap (,a) (,a) (f a)
dialt ff id id
(uncurry g <$> (liftDist x >*< z))
(uncurry g <$> (y >*< z))
instance (forall f. Functor (ap f))
=> Profunctor (Dist ap p) where
dimap f _ (DistEmpty absurdum) = DistEmpty (absurdum . f)
dimap f' g' (DistEither f x y) =
DistEither (f . f') (g' <$> x) (g' <$> y)
instance (forall f. Applicative (ap f)) => Monoidal (Dist ap p)
instance (forall f. Applicative (ap f))
=> Distributor (Dist ap p) where
zero = DistEmpty absurd
-- 0+x=x
DistEmpty absurdum >+< x =
dimap (either (absurd . absurdum) id) Right x
-- (x+y)+z=x+(y+z)
DistEither f x y >+< z =
assocE (Left (Left a)) = Left a
assocE (Left (Right b)) = Right (Left b)
assocE (Right c) = Right (Right c)
f' = assocE . either (Left . f) Right
dialt f' Left id (liftDist x) (y >+< z)
liftDist :: ap (p a) b -> Dist ap p a b
liftDist x = DistEither Left x (DistEmpty id)
newtype DistAlt p a b = DistAlts [p a b]
instance (forall x. Functor (p x)) => Functor (DistAlt p a) where
fmap f (DistAlts alts) = DistAlts (map (fmap f) alts)
instance (forall x. Applicative (p x))
=> Applicative (DistAlt p a) where
pure b = liftDistAlt (pure b)
DistAlts xs <*> DistAlts ys =
DistAlts [x <*> y | x <- xs, y <- ys]
instance (forall x. Applicative (p x))
=> Alternative (DistAlt p a) where
empty = DistAlts []
DistAlts altsL <|> DistAlts altsR = DistAlts (altsL ++ altsR)
instance Profunctor p => Profunctor (DistAlt p) where
dimap f g (DistAlts alts) = DistAlts (map (dimap f g) alts)
instance (forall x. Applicative (p x), Profunctor p)
=> Monoidal (DistAlt p)
instance Choice p => Choice (DistAlt p) where
left' (DistAlts alts) = DistAlts (map left' alts)
right' (DistAlts alts) = DistAlts (map right' alts)
instance Cochoice p => Cochoice (DistAlt p) where
unleft (DistAlts alts) = DistAlts (map unleft alts)
unright (DistAlts alts) = DistAlts (map unright alts)
instance (Choice p, Cochoice p, forall x. Applicative (p x))
=> Distributor (DistAlt p)
liftDistAlt :: p a b -> DistAlt p a b
liftDistAlt p = DistAlts [p]
newtype DistRing r a b = DistRing r deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Profunctor (DistRing r) where
dimap _ _ (DistRing r) = DistRing r
instance Choice (DistRing r) where
left' (DistRing r) = DistRing r
right' (DistRing r) = DistRing r
instance Cochoice (DistRing r) where
unleft (DistRing r) = DistRing r
unright (DistRing r) = DistRing r
instance Alg.Unital r => Monoidal (DistRing r) where
unit = DistRing
DistRing r0 >*< DistRing r1 = DistRing (r0 Alg.* r1)
instance Alg.Ring r => Distributor (DistRing r) where
zero = DistRing
DistRing r0 >+< DistRing r1 = DistRing (r0 Alg.+ r1)
newtype Lint f r a b = Lint (a -> f r)
instance Functor (Lint f r a) where
fmap _ (Lint f) = Lint f
instance Functor f => Profunctor (Lint f r) where
dimap g _ (Lint linter) = Lint (linter . g)
instance (Applicative f, Monoid r) => Applicative (Lint f r a) where
pure _ = Lint (\_ -> pure mempty)
Lint l <*> Lint r = Lint $ \a -> liftA2 (<>) (l a) (r a)
instance (Alternative f, Monoid r) => Alternative (Lint f r a) where
empty = Lint (\_ -> empty)
Lint l <|> Lint r = Lint $ \a -> l a <|> r a
instance (Applicative f, Filterable f) => Filterable (Lint f r a) where
mapMaybe = dimapMaybe Just
instance (Applicative f, Monoid r) => Monoidal (Lint f r)
instance Functor f => Cochoice (Lint f r) where
unleft (Lint linter) = Lint $ linter . Left
unright (Lint linter) = Lint $ linter . Right
instance (Applicative f, Filterable f) => Choice (Lint f r) where
left' (Lint linter) = Lint $
either linter (\_ -> catMaybes (pure Nothing))
right' (Lint linter) = Lint $
either (\_ -> catMaybes (pure Nothing)) linter
instance (Alternative f, Filterable f, Monoid r) => Distributor (Lint f r)
:: (Choice p, Cochoice p)
=> (s -> Maybe a) -> (b -> Maybe t)
-> p a b -> p s t
dimapMaybe f g =
m2e h = maybe (Left ()) Right . h
fg = dimap (>>= m2e f) (>>= m2e g)
unright . fg . right'
-- prop> left' = alternate . Left
-- prop> right' = alternate . Right
:: (Choice p, Cochoice p)
=> Either (p a b) (p s t)
-> p (Either a s) (Either b t)
alternate (Left p) =
dimapMaybe (either Just (pure Nothing)) (Just . Left) p
alternate (Right p) =
dimapMaybe (either (pure Nothing) Just) (Just . Right) p
-- prop> unleft = fst . discriminate
-- prop> unright = snd . discriminate
:: (Choice p, Cochoice p)
=> p (Either a s) (Either b t)
-> (p a b, p s t)
discriminate p =
( dimapMaybe (Just . Left) (either Just (pure Nothing)) p
, dimapMaybe (Just . Right) (either (pure Nothing) Just) p
data ChcMon p a b where
ChcPure :: Maybe b -> ChcMon p a b
:: (a -> Maybe s)
-> ChcMon p a (t -> Maybe b)
-> p s t
-> ChcMon p a b
instance Functor (ChcMon p a) where fmap = rmap
instance Filterable (ChcMon p a) where
mapMaybe = dimapMaybe Just
instance Applicative (ChcMon p a) where
pure = ChcPure . Just
ChcPure Nothing <*> _ = ChcPure Nothing
ChcPure (Just f) <*> x = f <$> x
ChcAp f g x <*> y =
apply h a t = ($ a) <$> h t
ChcAp f (apply <$> g <*> y) x
instance Profunctor (ChcMon p) where
dimap _ g (ChcPure b) = ChcPure (g <$> b)
dimap f' g' (ChcAp f g x) =
ChcAp (f . f') ((fmap g' .) <$> lmap f' g) x
instance Monoidal (ChcMon p)
instance Choice (ChcMon p) where
left' (ChcPure b) = ChcPure (Left <$> b)
left' (ChcAp f g x) =
apply e t = either ((Left <$>) . ($ t)) (Just . Right) e
ChcAp (either f (pure Nothing)) (apply <$> (left' g)) x
right' (ChcPure b) = ChcPure (Right <$> b)
right' (ChcAp f g x) =
apply e t = either (Just . Left) ((Right <$>) . ($ t)) e
ChcAp (either (pure Nothing) f) (apply <$> (right' g)) x
instance Cochoice (ChcMon p) where
unleft (ChcPure b) =
ChcPure (either Just (pure Nothing) =<< b)
unleft (ChcAp f g x) =
g' = (Left . (either Just (pure Nothing) <=<)) <$> g
ChcAp (f . Left) (unleft g') x
unright (ChcPure b) =
ChcPure (either (pure Nothing) Just =<< b)
unright (ChcAp f g x) =
g' = (Right . (either (pure Nothing) Just <=<)) <$> g
ChcAp (f . Right) (unright g') x
instance ProfunctorFunctor ChcMon where
promap _ (ChcPure b) = ChcPure b
promap h (ChcAp f g x) = ChcAp f (promap h g) (h x)
liftChcMon :: p a b -> ChcMon p a b
liftChcMon = ChcAp Just (pure Just)
data PartialExchange s t a b =
PartialExchange (a -> Maybe s) (t -> Maybe b)
instance Semigroup (PartialExchange s t a b) where
PartialExchange f g <> PartialExchange f' g' =
PartialExchange (\s -> f s <|> f' s) (\b -> g b <|> g' b)
instance Monoid (PartialExchange s t a b) where
mempty = PartialExchange nope nope where
nope _ = Nothing
instance Functor (PartialExchange s t a) where fmap = rmap
instance Filterable (PartialExchange s t a) where
mapMaybe = dimapMaybe Just
instance Monoid s => Applicative (PartialExchange s t a) where
pure b = PartialExchange (\_ -> mempty) (\_ -> Just b)
PartialExchange f' g' <*> PartialExchange f g = PartialExchange
(\a -> (<>) <$> f' a <*> f a)
(\t -> g' t <*> g t)
instance Monoid s => Alternative (PartialExchange s t a) where
empty = mempty
(<|>) = (<>)
instance Profunctor (PartialExchange s t) where
dimap f' g' (PartialExchange f g) =
PartialExchange (f . f') (fmap g' . g)
instance Monoid s => Monoidal (PartialExchange s t)
instance Monoid s => Distributor (PartialExchange s t)
instance Choice (PartialExchange s t) where
left' (PartialExchange f g) =
PartialExchange (either f (pure Nothing)) ((Left <$>) . g)
right' (PartialExchange f g) =
PartialExchange (either (pure Nothing) f) ((Right <$>) . g)
instance Cochoice (PartialExchange s t) where
unleft (PartialExchange f g) =
PartialExchange (f . Left) (either Just (pure Nothing) <=< g)
unright (PartialExchange f g) =
PartialExchange (f . Right) (either (pure Nothing) Just <=< g)
type PartialIso s t a b = forall p f.
(Choice p, Cochoice p, Applicative f, Filterable f)
=> p a (f b) -> p s (f t)
type PartialIso' s a = PartialIso s s a a
type APartialIso s t a b =
PartialExchange a b a (Maybe b) -> PartialExchange a b s (Maybe t)
type APartialIso' s a = APartialIso s s a a
partialIso :: (s -> Maybe a) -> (b -> Maybe t) -> PartialIso s t a b
partialIso f g =
m2e = maybe (Left ()) Right
unright . iso (m2e . f =<<) (mapMaybe g) . right'
:: APartialIso s t a b
-> ((s -> Maybe a) -> (b -> Maybe t) -> r)
-> r
withPartialIso i k =
case i (PartialExchange Just (Just . Just)) of
PartialExchange f g -> k f (join . g)
:: APartialIso b a t s
-> PartialIso s t a b
coPartialIso i =
withPartialIso i $ \f g -> partialIso g f
iterating :: APartialIso a b a b -> Iso a b a b
iterating i = withPartialIso i $ \f g ->
iso (iter f) (iter g) where
iter h state = maybe state (iter h) (h state)
:: APartialIso s t a b
-> APartialIso u v c d
-> PartialIso (s,u) (t,v) (a,c) (b,d)
crossPartialIso x y =
withPartialIso x $ \e f ->
withPartialIso y $ \g h ->
(\(s,u) -> (,) <$> e s <*> g u)
(\(t,v) -> (,) <$> f t <*> h v)
:: APartialIso s t a b
-> APartialIso u v c d
-> PartialIso
(Either s u) (Either t v)
(Either a c) (Either b d)
altPartialIso x y =
withPartialIso x $ \e f ->
withPartialIso y $ \g h ->
(either ((Left <$>) . e) ((Right <$>) . g))
(either ((Left <$>) . f) ((Right <$>) . h))
:: Cons s t a b
=> APartialIso (c,a) (d,b) c d
-> Iso (c,s) (d,t) (c,s) (d,t)
difoldl1 i =
associate = iso
(\(c,(a,s)) -> ((c,a),s))
(\((d,b),t) -> (d,(b,t)))
= crossPartialIso id _Cons
. associate
. crossPartialIso i id
in iterating step
:: Cons s t a b
=> APartialIso (a,c) (b,d) c d
-> Iso (s,c) (t,d) (s,c) (t,d)
difoldr1 i =
reorder = iso
(\((a,s),c) -> (s,(a,c)))
(\(t,(b,d)) -> ((b,t),d))
= crossPartialIso _Cons id
. reorder
. crossPartialIso id i
in iterating step
:: (Null s t a b, Cons s t a b)
=> APartialIso (c,a) (d,b) c d
-> PartialIso (c,s) (d,t) c d
difoldl i =
unit' = iso
(\(a,()) -> a)
(\a -> (a,()))
difoldl1 i
. crossPartialIso id _Null
. unit'
:: (Nil s a, Cons s s a a)
=> APrism' (c,a) c
-> Prism' (c,s) c
difoldl' i =
unit' = iso
(\(a,()) -> a)
(\a -> (a,()))
difoldl1 (clonePrism i)
. aside _Nil
. unit'
:: (Null s t a b, Cons s t a b)
=> APartialIso (a,c) (b,d) c d
-> PartialIso (s,c) (t,d) c d
difoldr i =
unit' = iso
(\((),c) -> c)
(\d -> ((),d))
difoldr1 i
. crossPartialIso _Null id
. unit'
class Nil s a | s -> a where
_Nil :: Prism' s ()
instance Nil (Maybe a) a where
_Nil = _Nothing
instance Nil [a] a where
_Nil = prism (pure []) $ \case
[] -> Right ()
x -> Left x
instance Nil (Either () a) a where
_Nil = _Left
nil :: Nil s a => s
nil = review _Nil ()
( Nil s a
, Nil t b
, Null s s a a
, Null t t b b
) => Null s t a b | b s -> t, a t -> s where
_Null :: PartialIso s t () ()
_NotNull :: PartialIso s t s t
instance Null (Maybe a) (Maybe b) a b where
_Null = partialIso
(maybe (Just ()) (pure Nothing))
(pure (Just Nothing))
_NotNull = partialIso nonemp nonemp where
nonemp Nothing = Nothing
nonemp (Just x) = Just (Just x)
instance Null [a] [b] a b where
_Null = partialIso
(\l -> if null l then Just () else Nothing)
(pure (Just []))
_NotNull = partialIso nonemp nonemp where
nonemp l = if not (null l) then Just l else Nothing
instance Null (Either () a) (Either () b) a b where
_Null = partialIso
(either Just (pure Nothing))
(pure (Just (Left ())))
_NotNull = partialIso nonemp nonemp where
nonemp (Left ()) = Nothing
nonemp (Right x) = Just (Right x)
:: (Cons s s a a, Cons t t b b, Nil t b)
=> Iso s t (Either () (a,s)) (Either () (b,t))
= _HeadTailMay
. iso (maybe (Left ()) Right) (either (pure Nothing) Just)
:: (Cons s s a a, Cons t t b b, Nil t b)
=> Iso s t (Maybe (a,s)) (Maybe (b,t))
_HeadTailMay = iso (preview _Cons) (maybe nil (uncurry cons))
:: (Null s t a b, Cons s s a a, Cons t t b b)
=> PartialIso s t (a,s) (b,t)
_HeadTail = _NotNull . _HeadTailMay . _Just
( Null s t a b
, Cons s t a b
, Stream s s a a
, Stream t t b b
) => Stream s t a b where
_LengthIs :: (Int -> Bool) -> PartialIso s t s t
_SplitAt :: Int -> PartialIso s t (s,s) (t,t)
instance Stream [a] [b] a b where
_LengthIs f = partialIso lengthen lengthen where
lengthen :: [c] -> Maybe [c]
lengthen list = if f (length list) then Just list else Nothing
_SplitAt n
= _LengthIs (>= n)
. iso (splitAt n) (uncurry (<>))
. crossPartialIso (_LengthIs (== (max 0 n))) id
class (Nil s a, Cons s s a a) => SimpleStream s a where
_All :: (a -> Bool) -> PartialIso' s s
_AllNot :: (a -> Bool) -> PartialIso' s s
_Span :: (a -> Bool) -> PartialIso' s (s,s)
_Break :: (a -> Bool) -> PartialIso' s (s,s)
instance SimpleStream [a] a where
_All f = partialIso every every where
every list = if all f list then Just list else Nothing
_AllNot f = partialIso everyNot everyNot where
everyNot list = if all (not . f) list then Just list else Nothing
_Span f = iso (span f) (uncurry (<>)) . crossPartialIso (_All f) id
_Break f = iso (break f) (uncurry (<>)) . crossPartialIso (_AllNot f) id
:: Choice p
=> APrism s t a b
-> p a b
-> p s t
i >$?< p = withPrism i $ \f g ->
dimap g (either id f) (right' p)
infixr 4 >$?<
:: Cochoice p
=> APrism b a t s
-> p a b
-> p s t
i >?$< p = withPrism i $ \f g ->
unright (dimap (either id f) g p)
infixr 4 >?$<
:: (Choice p, Cochoice p)
=> APartialIso s t a b
-> p a b
-> p s t
i >?$?< p =
withPartialIso i $ \f g -> dimapMaybe f g p
infixr 4 >?$?<
-- positional pattern matching
:: (HasEot a, HasEot b, Profunctor p)
=> p (Eot a) (Eot b) -> p a b
eot = dimap toEot fromEot
-- inexhaustive abstract pattern matching
:: (Choice p, Cochoice p, forall x. Alternative (p x))
=> APartialIso s t a b
-> p a b
-> p s t
-> p s t
inCase i = flip (<|>) . (>?$?<) i
-- exhaustive abstract pattern matching
:: (Cochoice p, Distributor p)
=> APrism b a t s
-> p a b
-> p c Void
-> p s t
onCase p =
flip (dialt Right absurd id) . (>?$<) p
:: forall p s t a b. (Choice p, Cochoice p, Distributor p)
=> APartialIso s t (s,(a,s)) (t,(b,t))
-> p a b
-> p s t
-> p s t
dichainl i opr arg =
coPartialIso (difoldl (coPartialIso i)) >?$?<
arg >*< several @p @[(a,s)] (opr >*< arg)
:: forall p s a. (Cochoice p, Distributor p)
=> APrism' (s,(a,s)) s
-> p a a
-> p s s
-> p s s
dichainl' p opr arg =
difoldl' p >?$< arg >*< several @p @[(a,s)] (opr >*< arg)
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