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Created March 18, 2012 04:09
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Chinese Restaurant Process
# Generate table assignments for `num_customers` customers, according to
# a Chinese Restaurant Process with dispersion parameter `alpha`.
# returns an array of integer table assignments
def chinese_restaurant_process(num_customers, alpha)
return [] if num_customers <= 0
table_assignments = [1] # first customer sits at table 1
next_open_table = 2 # index of the next empty table
# Now generate table assignments for the rest of the customers.
1.upto(num_customers - 1) do |i|
r = rand
if r < alpha.to_f / (alpha + i)
# Customer sits at new table.
table_assignments << next_open_table
next_open_table += 1
# Customer sits at an existing table.
# He chooses which table to sit at by giving equal weight to each
# customer already sitting at a table.
which_table = table_assignments[rand(table_assignments.size)]
table_assignments << which_table
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