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Created March 23, 2018 14:51
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* Seq util functions
object SeqUtil
* Implements Clojure's merge-with
* @param m1
* @param m2
* @param f
* @tparam K
* @tparam V
* @return
def mergeWith[K,V](m1: Map[K,V], m2: Map[K,V], f: (V,V) => V): Map[K,V] = {
val keys1 = m1.keySet
val keys2 = m2.keySet
val allKeys = keys1.union(keys2)
def foldFn(m: Map[K,V], k: K) = {
if (keys1.contains(k) && keys2.contains(k)) {
m + (k -> f(m1(k), m2(k)))
} else if (keys1.contains(k)) {
m + (k -> m1(k))
} else {
m + (k -> m2(k))
val init = Map[K,V]()
val result = allKeys.foldLeft(init)(foldFn)
* This is loosely based on Clojure's merge-with, but allows for
* the return map type to be different from the input maps' type since
* this is Scala == statically typed.
* It probably really makes sense to use this as an argument to a
* foldLeft type of reduction because an initial value of a different type
* needs to be guaranteed.
* @param m1 map to merge into to create output map (akin to init val for a foldLeft)
* @param m2 input map
* @param initW a fn to initialize the output map value for a new key
* @param f how to merge a value in the new map with a value in the output map
* @tparam K key type for both input and output map
* @tparam V key type for input map
* @tparam W key type for output amp
* @return
def mergeLeftWith[K,V,W](m1: Map[K,W], m2: Map[K,V], initW: K => W, f: (W,V) => W): Map[K,W] = {
val keys1 = m1.keySet
val keys2 = m2.keySet
val allKeys = keys1.union(keys2)
def foldFn(m: Map[K,W], k: K) = {
if (keys1.contains(k) && keys2.contains(k)) {
m + (k -> f(m1(k), m2(k)))
} else if (keys1.contains(k)) {
m + (k -> m1(k))
} else {
val newVal = f(initW(k), m2(k))
m + (k -> newVal)
val init = Map[K,W]()
val result = allKeys.foldLeft(init)(foldFn)
* Implements Clojure's partition-by fn for Scala seqs -- given a seq and a fn,
* segment the entire seq, in order, into a seq-of-seqs, where each inner
* seq's values all produce the same output value (when f applied) as each other
* Note: implementation does not use lazy seqs nor lazy vals
* @param seq
* @param f set of all possible output values must implement ==
* @tparam T
* @return
def partitionBy[T](seq: Seq[T], f: (T) => Any): Seq[Seq[T]] = {
if (seq.isEmpty) {
val emptySeq: Seq[T] = Seq.empty
} else if (seq.tail.isEmpty) {
val onlyElem = seq.head
val oneElemSeq: Seq[T] = Seq(onlyElem)
} else {
val firstElem = seq.head
var currFnVal: Any = f(firstElem)
var currSeq: Seq[T] = Seq()
var result: Seq[Seq[T]] = Seq()
for (e <- seq: Seq[T]) {
val fnVal = f(e)
if (fnVal == currFnVal) {
currSeq = currSeq :+ e
} else {
currFnVal = fnVal
result = result :+ currSeq
currSeq = Seq(e)
result = result :+ currSeq
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