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Last active June 11, 2018 07:00
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  • Save echo-devnull/ddd9f57178b676b2f8873358e6753cc2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save echo-devnull/ddd9f57178b676b2f8873358e6753cc2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
DATE := $(shell date)
# The "?=" in this command assigns "acceptance" only when "ENVIRONMENT" has not
# already been set on the commandline or environment variables. Jenkins will have
# this set to "production" so it will use production values.
NAMESPACE ?= k8snamespace
.PHONY: secrets status namespace configmap service deploy autoscale delete syncelasticsearch
.DEFAULT_GOAL := deploy
## This function is here to find the version / color of kubernetes cluster
## we currently use. The dns name is manually changed to point to
## the correct kubernetes cluster.
## And it loads the environment variables for the current deploy
define context
. ./env/$(1).env;
## This command does a dns lookup to see which context is the current live kubernetes network
## And then exports a variable that is filled with the context name.
export CONTEXT=$(shell host$(1).k8s.domain | head -n1 | awk -F'.' '{print $$7"."$$8"."$$9"."$$10"."$$11}')
export DOCKER_TAG=$(shell curl --silent http://jenkinslink:8080/job/Elect%20Build/lastSuccessfulBuild/api/json | jq '.number')
reset: delete deploy
@echo "## Status"
$(call context,${ENVIRONMENT})
kubectl config set-context $$CONTEXT
kubectl config use-context $$CONTEXT
echo "----"
@echo "## Status"
$(call context,${ENVIRONMENT})
kubectl --context=$$CONTEXT --namespace ${NAMESPACE} get deployment
kubectl --context=$$CONTEXT --namespace ${NAMESPACE} get services -o wide
kubectl --context=$$CONTEXT --namespace=${NAMESPACE} rollout status deployment/nginx
kubectl --context=$$CONTEXT --namespace=${NAMESPACE} rollout status deployment/php-fpm
echo "----"
@echo "## Creating the Secrets"
$(call context,${ENVIRONMENT})
kubectl --namespace ${NAMESPACE} \
create secret generic env-symfony \
--dry-run \
-o yaml \
--from-file=configmaps/${ENVIRONMENT}/env/ | \
kubectl --namespace ${NAMESPACE} --context=$$CONTEXT apply -f -
echo "----"
@echo "## Naming the namespace"
$(call context,${ENVIRONMENT})
envsubst < ./namespace.yml | kubectl --context=$$CONTEXT apply -f -
echo "----"
@echo "## Creating the cronjobs"
$(call context,${ENVIRONMENT})
envsubst < ./cron-saved-searches.yml | kubectl --context=$$CONTEXT apply -f -
envsubst < ./cron-flirtmails.yml | kubectl --context=$$CONTEXT apply -f -
echo "----"
@echo "## Migrating the unmigrated database"
$(call context,${ENVIRONMENT})
kubectl delete --context=$$CONTEXT --namespace=${NAMESPACE} job dbmigrate || true
envsubst < ./job-dbmigrate.yml | kubectl --context=$$CONTEXT apply -f -
echo "----"
@echo "## Syncing the ElasticSearches"
$(call context,${ENVIRONMENT})
kubectl delete --context=$$CONTEXT --namespace=${NAMESPACE} job synces || true
envsubst < ./job-synces.yml | kubectl --context=$$CONTEXT apply -f -
echo "----"
@echo "## Configuring the configmap(s)"
$(call context,${ENVIRONMENT})
kubectl --namespace ${NAMESPACE} \
create configmap nginx \
--dry-run \
-o yaml \
--from-file=configmaps/${ENVIRONMENT}/nginx | \
kubectl --namespace ${NAMESPACE} --context=$$CONTEXT apply -f -
kubectl --namespace ${NAMESPACE} \
create configmap php-fpm \
--dry-run \
-o yaml \
--from-file=configmaps/${ENVIRONMENT}/fpm | \
kubectl --namespace ${NAMESPACE} --context=$$CONTEXT apply -f -
echo "----"
reload: changedefaultcontext configmap secrets
@echo "## Reloading to load the new load(s)"
$(call context,${ENVIRONMENT})
kubectl --namespace ${NAMESPACE} \
patch deployment nginx \
--context=$$CONTEXT \
-p "{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"labels\":{\"date\":\"`date +'%s'`\"}}}}}"
kubectl --namespace ${NAMESPACE} \
patch deployment php-fpm \
--context=$$CONTEXT \
-p "{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"labels\":{\"date\":\"`date +'%s'`\"}}}}}"
@echo "## Servicing the service(s)"
$(call context,${ENVIRONMENT})
envsubst < ./service.yml | kubectl --context=$$CONTEXT apply -f -
echo "----"
deploy: changedefaultcontext namespace secrets configmap service autoscale cronjobs dbmigrate
@echo "## Deploying the deploy(s)"
$(call context,${ENVIRONMENT})
envsubst < ./deploy-fpm.yml | kubectl --context=$$CONTEXT apply -f -
envsubst < ./deploy-nginx.yml | kubectl --context=$$CONTEXT apply -f -
echo "----"
autoscale: deploy
@echo "## Scaling the Autoscaler(s)"
$(call context,${ENVIRONMENT})
envsubst < ./hpa.yml | kubectl --context=$$CONTEXT apply -f -
echo "----"
# Not used much, but it could be handy to sometimes completely eradicate the important bits
# and start over.
@echo "## Deleting all the things"
$(call context,${ENVIRONMENT})
kubectl --namespace ${NAMESPACE} --context=$$CONTEXT delete cronjob savedsearches-mail || echo "already deleted" && true
kubectl --namespace ${NAMESPACE} --context=$$CONTEXT delete cronjob flirtmails || echo "already deleted" && true
kubectl --namespace ${NAMESPACE} --context=$$CONTEXT delete deployment nginx || echo "already deleted" && true
kubectl --namespace ${NAMESPACE} --context=$$CONTEXT delete deployment php-fpm || echo "already deleted" && true
kubectl --namespace ${NAMESPACE} --context=$$CONTEXT delete configmap nginx || echo "already deleted" && true
kubectl --namespace ${NAMESPACE} --context=$$CONTEXT delete configmap php-fpm || echo "already deleted" && true
kubectl --namespace ${NAMESPACE} --context=$$CONTEXT delete secret env-symfony || echo "already deleted" && true
kubectl --namespace ${NAMESPACE} --context=$$CONTEXT delete hpa nginx || echo "already deleted" && true
kubectl --namespace ${NAMESPACE} --context=$$CONTEXT delete hpa php-fpm || echo "already deleted" && true
@echo "----"
@echo "## Enter commit message:"
$(call context,${ENVIRONMENT})
@read REPLY; \
echo "${DATE} - $$REPLY" >> CHANGELOG; \
git add --all; \
git commit -m "$$REPLY"; \
git pull
git push
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