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Created May 28, 2013 18:07
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Jsonschema test validator.
import jsonschema
import json
def test_schema_generator():
test_setup_data = [
{"schema": "../schema/1.0/build-manifest.json", "tests": "build-manifest-validtests.json", "assert_function":},
{"schema": "../schema/1.0/build-manifest.json", "tests": "build-manifest-invalidtests.json", "assert_function":}]
for test_setup in test_setup_data:
with open(test_setup["schema"]) as schemaf, open(test_setup["tests"]) as testf:
schema = json.loads(
test_data = json.loads(
for test in test_data:
yield validator, test_setup["assert_function"], test, schema
def validator(assert_function, data, schema):
assert_function - function used to assert results
schema_filename - the name of the schema file to run the test against
test_filename - the name of the file with the test
jsonvalidator = jsonschema.Draft4Validator(schema)
assert_function(jsonvalidator.is_valid(data), "\n\t" + "\n\t".join(str(error) for error in jsonvalidator.iter_errors(data)))
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