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Last active November 9, 2019 20:27
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PowerShell batch timelapses with FFmpeg
# Batch process timelapses
### About
# This script will find all .mp4 files in the given directory and create an
# ./ffmpeg directory with the outputs. You can decide speed multiplier and to
# queue all files or just a few.
### Setup
# 1. Add to profile:
# We use this script as part of our "PowerShell profile", so we can access it
# as 'lapse' from any powershell window. Like this:
# 2. Add 'ffmpeg' to path
# Also important to setup 'ffmpeg' as an enviroment variable, like this:
### How to use
# In PowerShell just type "lapse" and drag in the file or directory and press enter
# Example: lapse "C:\myTimelapses\"
function lapse($baseDir) {
# Validation
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $baseDir)) { echoColor "Red" "Path does not exist."; return; }
if (Test-Path -Path $baseDir -PathType Leaf) { $baseDir = split-path $baseDir; } # Convert file path to base dir
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $baseDir -PathType Container)) { echoColor "Red" "This does not seem to be a directory."; return; }
$numFiles = (Get-ChildItem $baseDir -Filter *.mp4 | measure).Count;
if ($numFiles -Eq 0) { echoColor "Red" "Found no .mp4 files in this directory."; return; }
$outDirName = "\ffmpeg\"
# Set speed
$speed = 1;
while (-not ($speed -ge 2 -and $speed -le 500)) {
$speed = askColor "Green" 'Speed multiplier? (2-500)';
if (-not ($speed -ge 2 -and $speed -le 500)) {
echoColor "Red" "Invalid speed, must be a value between 2 and 500.";
# Queue all files?
$queueAll = askColor "Green" ('Queue all ' + $numFiles + ' files at x' + $speed + '? (y/n)');
if ($queueAll.tolower() -Eq 'y') {
#echoColor "Green" ("Queueing " + $numFiles + " files");
} elseif (-not ($queueAll.tolower() -Eq 'n')) {
echoColor "Yellow" "Not a valid choice, defaulting to 'no'";
$queueAll = 'n';
# Queue individual files
$queue = @();
Get-ChildItem $baseDir -Filter *.mp4 | Foreach-Object {
$queueThis = 'y';
if ($queueAll.tolower() -Eq 'n') {
# Test if file exsists
$outName = $_.BaseName + ' x' + $speed + '.mp4';
$outFile = ($baseDir + $outDirName + $outName);
if (Test-Path -Path $outFile -PathType Leaf) {
$queueThis = askColor "Yellow" ('Queue file "' + $_.BaseName + '" (Warning: Output file already exists) (y/n)')
} else {
$queueThis = askColor "Cyan" ('Queue file "' + $_.BaseName + '" (y/n)');
if ($queueThis.tolower() -Eq 'y') {
$queue += $_.BaseName;
} elseif (-not ($queueThis.tolower() -Eq 'n')) {
echoColor "Yellow" "Not a valid choice, defaulting to 'no'";
# Check queued files
echoColor "Green" "Queued files:";
foreach ($name in $queue) {
$outName = $name + ' x' + $speed + '.mp4';
$outFile = ($baseDir + $outDirName + $outName);
if (Test-Path -Path $outFile -PathType Leaf) {
echoColor "Yellow" ("." + $outDirName + $outName + " (Warning: Output file already exists, will be overwritten)");
} else {
echoColor "Cyan" ("." + $outDirName + $outName);
askColor "Green" 'Ready to process. Press enter to continue, ctrl+c to cancel';
# Make output directory
mkdir ($baseDir + $outDirName) > $null
# Process files
echoColor "Green" "Processing files...";
foreach ($name in $queue){
$outName = $name + ' x' + $speed + '.mp4';
$rawFile = ($baseDir + '\' + $name + '.mp4');
$outFile = ($baseDir + $outDirName + $outName);
ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -loglevel warning -stats -i $rawFile -filter:v "setpts=PTS/$speed" -an $outFile
echoColor "Green" "Done!";
# Echo in color
# Example: echoColor "Red" "This text is read"
function echoColor($color, $str) {
$tmp = $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $color
Write-Output $str
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $tmp
# Question in color
# Example: askColor "Red" "Do you want to continue? (y/n)"
function askColor($color, $str) {
$tmp = $host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $color
$answer = Read-Host $str
$host.ui.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $tmp
return $answer
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ecker00 commented Oct 25, 2019

Did a recent update to this script to simplyfiy the required folder structure, and give preemptive warnings when overwriting files.

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