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Last active July 26, 2016 20:08
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Using indicspecies with a melted data frame
# Using indicspecies with a melted data frame
# Their input is actually not hard to work with. First we need to re-create the count matrix.
# This creates a data frame with the sample ID and study group as the first two columns, then each column after that is an OTU name
# (Replace column names as appropriate)
mat <- melted.df %>% reshape2::dcast(SampleID + StudyGroup ~ otu)
# Next, we actually convert things into inputs
# Hadley's stuff hates rownames, so we have to remake them
rownames(mat) = mat$SampleID
# This creates a separate StudyGroup vector (useful later)
StudyGroup = mat$StudyGroup
# Next, we remove these text columns from the matrix, so that we can (if we want) convert it to a well-formed numeric matrix.
mat$SampleID <- NULL
mat$StudyGroup <- NULL
# Running multipatt:
# They use random permutations to assess p-values, so it's good to set a reproducible random seed
# Where the magic happens:
indvals <- multipatt(mat, StudyGroup)
# And here are the results:
# Next, let's train a random forest model on the top indicator species
# Select the most discriminative species:
sig.otus <- indvals$sign %>% mutate(otu = rownames(.)) %>% filter(p.value < 0.05)
sig.otu.mat <- mat[, sig.otus$otu]
# Put it in the right format for RandomForests
sig.otus.rf <- data.frame(StudyGroup, sig.otu.mat)
rf.results <- randomForest(StudyGroup ~ ., data = sig.otus.rf, ntree=100)
# Check out the accuracy
# Collect the importance metrics
rf.importance =
rf.importance$otu <- rownames(rf.importance)
rf.importance <- arrange(rf.importance, desc(MeanDecreaseGini))
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