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Created May 2, 2014 06:28
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credit card validation
cardType = (cc) ->
result = "unknown"
result = "mastercard" if /^5[1-5]/.test(cc)
result = "visa" if /^4/.test(cc)
result = "amex" if /^3[47]/.test(cc)
luhn = (cc) ->
sum = 0
alt = false
for i in [cc.length - 1..0] by -1
# Get the next digit.
num = parseInt cc.charAt(i), 10
# If it is not a valid number, abort.
return false if isNaN(num)
# If it is an alternate number...
if alt
num *= 2
num = (num % 10) + 1 if num > 9
# Flip the alternate bit.
alt = !alt
# Add to the rest of the sum.
sum += num
# Determine if it is valid.
sum % 10 is 0
$ ->
$(' #number').change (ev) ->
cc = $(@).val()
type = cardType(cc)
validity = if luhn(cc) then "Valid" else "Invalid"
$(' .credit-card-type').html(type)
$(' .valid-credit-card').html(validity)
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