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Last active February 7, 2019 01:31
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Agile Manifesto points

  • People over tools
  • Sw over doc
  • Collaboration over contract
  • Change over plan


Scrum: Agile process with stories etc (think Jira) Scrumban: Scrum but when you're done you can pull stories from the next sprint Epic: A group of stories that have the same goal Product owner: Defines stories and their priorities Scrum master: Timebox everything, protect the dev time Breaker?: Pager duty etc

NOTES: Always prioritise stories on the RIGHT-> side of the board


  • Backlog Refinement Event
    • 3h / 2 months
    • PO / SM only
  • Release Planning
    • 2h / 2 months
    • what we do in the next 2 months
  • Sprint Planning
    • 3h / 2 weeks
    • Clarification
    • Tasks
    • Who does what
    • (Estimates)
  • Standup
    • 15 mins / day
    • Yesterday, today, blockers, progress %
  • Sprint refinement
    • 30mins / sprint
    • Talk about problems, %, solutions
  • Sprint retrospective
    • 1h / sprint
    • What worked and what can be improved
  • "Friday avro"
    • 4h / week
    • Housekeeping and learning

Backlog Refinement/grooming


  • Priority
  • Clarification of requirements
  • Decomposition of stories


  • Meets acceptance criteria
  • Shippable (working / UI)
  • Reviewed + build passes (codacy?)
  • Refactored (or ticket for NEXT sprint, except: duplication)
  • Tested


  • Story Template: As a U I want FF, so that I can do SS
  • Acceptance Criteria:
    • Template: Given, When, Then
    • Eg: Must work on Firefox
    • Edge cases

"2 months" for a Release Cycle.

Product Backlog Items qualities:

  • Independent
  • Negotiable
  • Valuable
  • Estimatable
  • Short
  • Testable

Release Planning

What are we doing (everyone is involved):

  • Read/complete the stories
  • Write Acceptance Criteria (DEPENDENCIES, tech details, limitations)
  • Write down risks
  • Wireframes (??)
  • Planning Poker (t-shirt sizes)

Risks board: accept / mitigate / own

Sprint Planning

  • What is not in the story when it's estimated must go in a another story, in another story, to be prioritized
  • Q/A with PO, conclusions written on story (about WHAT)
  • Break down into tasks (note or jira task about the HOW)
    • Review Dependencies / blockers (eg: requires credentials)
    • Migrations
    • New API connections
    • Tech debt in the area
    • Refactor
    • Ruby/JS considerations
    • Spike needed
    • Decide on UI
    • Tests (ruby and js)
    • Documentation (release notes)
    • Etc
  • (Who does what ??)
  • (Estimate ?? (time))
    • Why
  • Confirm team is committed

Factor "Breaker" time, one person a day (??)

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