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Created March 9, 2015 00:47
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Hacker School Application Code Sample - Christy Okpo
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Date: Feb. 16 2015
Author: Christy Okpo <>
Project: Implement the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm for pair-wise alignments.
Purpose: This implementation demonstrates how to align two nucleotides
sequences using the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm developed by Saul B. Needleman
and Christian D. Wunsch.
A sequence is represented by a string of single letters. A similarity matrix
is dynamically generated based on the input sequences with its match/mismatch
values set to user defined values (or a default match: +1, mismatch: -1,
gap penalty: 0). Alignments are based on maximizing the similarity score.
When multiple maximum values/scores are encountered, the one of the values
is chosen arbitrarily.
A global optimal score is calculated from the match, mismatch and gap penalty
values. Once computed, a traceback is performed. Each step in the back-trace
is determined by the maximum score between cells to the left, to the right
and diagonal from the cell with the previous maximum score.
Note that because this is an exponential problem, only a single
solution is provided.
Numpy arrays are used to improve performance and list accessing. The argparse
module provides parsing for command-line arguments.
This script can be run via the command-line or as a module.
It can be run without input or flags to calculate an alignment using
sample data and the default match/mismatch/gap penalty settings.
It can also be run with input sequences but using default match/mismatch
/gap_penalty settings.
To input sequences to be analyzed:
- Supply two strings each containing a sequence, or pass in a file
containing the two sequences.
- Match, Mismatch and gap penalties can be specified using flags.
- An output file can also be specified. If none, results are printed
out to std-out.
Note: If sequences inputted via file, sequences must be newline separated
so that the file's first line corresponds to the first sequence and so on.
Example usage:
From the command-line:
> 'python /path/to/
--miss -1 --match 1'
> 'python /path/to/
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
import argparse
def parseArgs():
Make sense of args specified on the command-line. Returns an argparse object.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Define Positional arguments
parser.add_argument('first_Sequence', nargs='?',
help="input the First Sequence")
parser.add_argument('second_Sequence', nargs='?',
help="input the Second Sequence")
# Define Optional arguments
parser.add_argument('-i', '--infile', help="enter input file")
parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', help="enter output file")
parser.add_argument('--match', help="enter score for matches",
default=1, type=float)
parser.add_argument('--miss', help="enter score for mismatches",
default=-1, type=float)
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
class NaiveNeedlemanWunsch(object):
""" Naive implementation of the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm that constructs
a similarity matrix, scoring matrix and optimal alignment of the specified
def __init__(self, matchScore, mismatchScore, sequence_A, sequence_B,
self.sequenceA = sequence_A
self.sequenceB = sequence_B
self.outfile = outfile
self.seqA_traceback = []
self.seqB_traceback = []
self.size_x = len(sequence_A)
self.size_y = len(sequence_B)
self.matchScore = matchScore
self.mismatchScore = mismatchScore
self.gap_penalty = 0
def __str__(self):
return ("module: NaiveNeedlemanWunsch; match: %d; mismatch: %d; gap_penalty: %d;"
% (self.matchScore, self.mismatchScore, self.gap_penalty))
def init_scoringmatrix(self):
""" Creates a zero matrix using numpy's array structure. Inserts gap
penalties for first row and column.
# This creates size_y+1 rows, size_x +1 columns
self.scoring_matrix = np.zeros((self.size_y+1,self.size_x+1))
for i in xrange(len(self.scoring_matrix[0,1:])):
self.scoring_matrix[0,i+1] = self.gap_penalty*(i+1)
for i in xrange(len(self.scoring_matrix[1:,0])):
self.scoring_matrix[i+1, 0] = self.gap_penalty*(i+1)
def bool2score(self, x):
""" Returns the match/mismatch scores for the boolean values of a
match/mismatch between SequenceA substring and SequenceB substring.
if x:
return self.matchScore
return self.mismatchScore
def fill_similaritymatrix(self):
""" Builds a similarity matrix to indicate match/mismatch between
each element of Sequence A and each element of Sequence B.
self.similarity_matrix = np.array([[ self.bool2score(x == y)
for y in self.sequenceA] for x in self.sequenceB])
def get_similarity_score(self,x,y):
""" Given a row and column index,returns the corresponding value from
the similarity matrix.
return self.similarity_matrix[x,y]
def alignment(self, tracebackpath, original_seq):
""" Return the new sequence alignment. """
idx = 0
new_sequence = []
# reverse the traceback-path so that we build alignment from the front
for i in tracebackpath:
if i == 'g':
idx = idx + 1
new_sequence = ''.join(new_sequence)
return new_sequence
def plot_alignment(self):
""" Turn results of the traceback part of the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm
into its corresponding sequence alignment.
self.seqA_alignment = self.alignment(self.seqA_traceback, self.sequenceA)
self.seqB_alignment = self.alignment(self.seqB_traceback, self.sequenceB)
def traceback_optimalscore(self, currentmax):
""" Traceback portion of the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm. Pointers (k =
keep substring, g = add gap) are appended to a list with each step to
indicate the journey along the matrix.
if (currentmax == (0,0,)):
rowVal = currentmax[0]
colVal = currentmax[1]
localmax = self.scoring_matrix[rowVal,colVal]
if ((self.scoring_matrix[rowVal-1, colVal] + self.gap_penalty) == localmax):
self.traceback_optimalscore((rowVal-1, colVal,))
elif ((self.scoring_matrix[rowVal, colVal-1] + self.gap_penalty) == localmax):
self.traceback_optimalscore((rowVal, colVal-1,))
self.traceback_optimalscore((rowVal-1, colVal-1,))
def fill_scoringmatrix(self):
""" Scoring Matrix portion of Needleman-Wunsch algorithm.
Assigns a score to each element of a len(sequence B) + 1 by
len(sequence A) + 1 matrix, where score is the maximum value
between the score of cells diagonal, above and to the left
of the current cell.
traceback_Pointer = []
for (x,y), val in np.ndenumerate(self.scoring_matrix[1:,1:]):
diagonalscore = self.scoring_matrix[x,y]
topscore = self.scoring_matrix[x,y+1]
leftscore = self.scoring_matrix[x+1,y]
# Set score as the maximizing value
self.scoring_matrix[x+1,y+1] = max((topscore + self.gap_penalty),
(leftscore + self.gap_penalty),
(diagonalscore + self.get_similarity_score(x,y)))
# Calculate the maximum alignment score
self.max_alignment_score = max(self.scoring_matrix[self.size_y,:])
# Find the column location of the maximum alignment score.
# Row location is last row of matrix
self.max_col = np.where(self.scoring_matrix[self.size_y,:] == self.max_alignment_score)
self.max_location = (self.size_y, self.max_col[0][-1])
# Traceback path of Optimal Score
def return_optimal(self):
""" Returns a tuple with maximum alignment Score, alignment of Sequence A,
and alignment of Sequence B
return (self.max_alignment_score, self.seqA_alignment, self.seqB_alignment)
def pretify_return_optimal(self):
""" Return prettified results of Needleman-Wunsch calculation for printing
and writing to file.
results = self.return_optimal()
if (self.outfile):
with open(self.outfile, 'w+') as f:
f.write('Naive Needleman-Wunsch Results')
f.write('Ran on: %s ' % ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))
f.write('Max Alignment Score: %d ' % results[0])
f.write('%s\t (First Sequence)' % results[1])
f.write('%s\t (Second Sequence)' % results[2])
print ('================')
print ('RESULTS:')
print ('Max Alignment Score: %d' % results[0])
print ('Here\'s one of the possible alignments: ')
print ('\t%s\t (First Sequence)' % results[1])
print ('\t%s\t (Second Sequence)' % results[2])
print ('================')
def main():
args = parseArgs()
if (args.infile):
# Open specified file and parse into individual sequences
with open(args.infile, 'r+') as f:
sequences = f.readlines()
sequences = [i.rstrip('\n') for i in sequences]
alignSequence = NaiveNeedlemanWunsch(args.match, args.miss, sequences[0],
sequences[1], args.outfile)
elif (args.first_Sequence and args.second_Sequence):
alignSequence = NaiveNeedlemanWunsch(args.match, args.miss, args.first_Sequence,
# Use example data ATCAGAGTC TTCAGTC
examples = ['ATCAGAGTC', 'TTCAGTC']
print ('[No Input Data]')
print ('Let\'s try out an example using "%s" and "%s"\n' % (examples[0], examples[1]))
alignSequence = NaiveNeedlemanWunsch(args.match, args.miss,examples[0], examples[1],
# Shows results
if __name__ == "__main__":
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