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Created March 11, 2014 19:36
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function [mean_indexplacementconfidence, worst_indexplacementconfidence, track_indexconfidences, track_placementconfidence, track_placementconfidenceavg] = ...
find_posterior( SC, M, eta, draw_figs, output_width )
%load in a test song cost matrix
%load ws2
%M = 22; % how many tracks to find
[T,W] = size(SC); % tiles and maximum track width
%eta = 1e2; %learning rate
%% to calculate TL and H we need a slightly different cost matrix
% preprocess SC with the exp
% doing this doesnt affect the calculation of optimal placement, only
% posterior
HT_SC = exp(-eta * SC );
% cost of one track accross all times
H = zeros( M, T );
H( 1, 1:W ) = HT_SC(1,:);
for m=2:M
for t=m:min(T,W*m) % go from the minimum track placement to maximum
% which s's are relevant (time to which we fill m-1 songs)
%s is the end of the previous track (m-1)
s = max( m-1, t-W ):t-1;
% last song runs from [s+1 .. t]
% length is t-(s+1)+1 = t-s
H(m,t) = H(m-1,s) * HT_SC(sub2ind([T,W], s+1, t-s))';
TL = zeros( M, T ); % cost of best tail partition
TL( 1, (T-W+1):T) = HT_SC(sub2ind([T,W], T-W+1:T,W:-1:1));
for m=2:M
% from which positions t can one pack m tracks until T?
% earliest: T-m*W (or 1 if this is negative)
% latest: T-m
% TODO: check off-by-ones
for t=max(T-m*W,1):T-m
s = t+1:min(t+W,T);
% last song runs from [t .. s-1]
% length: (s-1)-t+1 = t-s
TL(m, t) = TL(m-1, s ) * HT_SC( t, s-t)';
% We computed the cost of packing 1:M tracks between start and end in 2 ways.
% these should be identical (perhaps up to numerical errors)
assert(all(abs(H(:,T) - TL(:,1)) <= 1e-6 * H(:,T)));
%% calculate the posterior for boundary
PB = nan(M, T); % distribution of M track starting positions
PB(1,:) = [TL(M, 1)/H(M,T) zeros(1,T-1)]; % first track must start at start :)
for m=2:M
PB(m,1) = 0; % cannot start second track at start
% place m-1 tracks until yesterday, then fill up with M-m+1 tracks until the end
PB(m,2:T) = ( ( H(m-1,1:T-1) ) .* TL( M-m+1,2:T) ) / H(M,T);
% PB is normalised *by definition*
assert(all(abs(sum(PB,2) - 1) < 1e-6));
if( draw_figs == 1)
title('probability distribution');
%% calculate the posterior for song position (hard to visualize probably wont for paper)
% PP = nan( M, T, T );
% for m=2:M
% for s = 2:T-1
% for f = (s+1):min(s+W-1,T-1)
% PB(m,2:T) = ( ( H(m-1,1:T-1) ) .* TL( M-m+1,2:T) ) / H(M,T);
% % normalized in respect of the total minimum cost of placing all
% % tracks (M,T)
% PP( m, s, f ) = ( ( H( m-1, s-1 ) ) * SC( s, f-s+1 ) * TL( M-m+1, f+1 ) ) / H( M, T );
% % normalize each track row (not in the paper yet)
% %P( m,: ) = P( m,: ) ./ max( P( m,: ) );
% end
% end
% end
%title('probability posterior for track 5 starting at times s,f');
%imagesc( log( squeeze( PP( 5,:,: ) ) ))
%% plot the song cost matrix
%title('song cost matrix')
%axis xy;
%% Finding the best track placement for comparison (unchanged from the first paper)
[T W] = size(SC);
V = -inf( M, T );
P = nan( M, T ); % points to end of previous song in best partition
%cost of one track accross all times
V( 1,1:W ) = SC(1,1:W);
V(1,W+1:end) = inf; % set remaining stuff to inf (too long for song)
for m=2:M
for t=m:min(T,W*m)
% which s's are relevant (time to which we fill m-1 songs)
%s is the end of the previous track (m-1)
s = max( m-1, t-W ):t-1;
[V(m,t) ind] = min( V(m-1,s) + SC((t-s-1)*T+s+1) );
P(m,t) = s(ind);
V(m,min(T,W*m)+1:end) = inf;
% extract the best partition (we give all the song ends)
best_end = nan(1,M);
best_end(M) = T;
for m = M-1:-1:1
best_end(m) = P(m+1,best_end(m+1));
% output
best_begin = [1 best_end(1:end-1)+1];
L = V(end,end);
%% new uncertainty calculation (of correct track INDEX)
relative_uncertainty = nan(M,1);
for m=1:M
track_probs = PB(:, best_begin(m) );
% which is the highest probability track
[mprob in] = max( track_probs );
% now for all the other ones, calculate their relative probability
others = 1:M;
others = others(others~=in);
relative_uncertainty(m) = max( track_probs( others ) ./ mprob );
% scale so that more uncertainty gets penalized
uncertainty_factor = 2;
relative_uncertainty = relative_uncertainty .^ uncertainty_factor;
confidence = 1 - relative_uncertainty;
if( draw_figs == 1)
bar( confidence );
title('Track Alignment Confidence Level');
xlabel('Track Number');
ylabel('Confidence Level');
mean_indexplacementconfidence = mean(confidence);
worst_indexplacementconfidence = min(confidence);
track_indexconfidences = resample_vector( confidence, output_width);
%% new uncertainty calculation (of correct track TIME)
% thinking out loud, should include peak height and distance (nearest?)
track_placementconf = nan( M, 1 );
track_placementconf(1) = 1;
for m=2:M
track = PB( m,: );
[pks,locs] = findpeaks(track);
[vals, ix] = sort( pks,'descend' );
%take first 2
%locs( ix(1) )
if length( vals ) == 1
track_placementconf(m) = 1;
track_placementconf(m) = 1 - (pks( ix(2) ) / pks( ix(1) ));
if( draw_figs == 1)
bar( track_placementconf );
title( 'Track Time Placement Confidence' );
ylabel ( 'Confidence Level' );
xlabel( 'Track Number' );
track_placementconfidenceavg = mean(track_placementconf);
track_placementconfidence = resample_vector(track_placementconf, output_width);
%% how close is our posterior probability distribution?
if( draw_figs == 1)
hold on;
for t=1:length(best_begin)
%overlay the best track placement from first paper on top of image map
hold off;
title('Posterior with the "best" tracks overlaid');
ylabel('Track Number');
% %% plot the original cost matrix with the optimal track placement
% if( draw_figs == 1)
% figure(5);
% imagesc(C);
% axis xy;
% colorbar;
% hold on;
% for t=1:length(best_begin)
% %overlay the best track placement from first paper on top of image map
% plot(best_begin(t),best_begin(t),'w*');
% end
% hold off;
% end
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