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Created May 2, 2019 10:55
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  • Save ed-codes/e173adc38e0953a4ed11cba4a7809e05 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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- If a client has uploaded photography as PNG, convert to JPG, compress via squoosh or GTmetrix and reupload.
- Implement lazyloading where it makes sense
- load instafeed asynchronously, and lazyload
- lazyload images in slick and other sliders
- loading smaller size instafeed images
- srcset for any product listings such as collection page and homepage featured
- using font-display to render fallback fonts and swap them on load
- combine stylesheets
- load google fonts asynchronously using WebFont loader
- Check all apps and plugins and tracking tools.
- If there is a second product image on hover, remove it
- Remove large sections on mobile like parallax backgrounds, or use srcset if possible.
- Check with fonts are used where, dont load unecessary fonts.
Product page
- Lazyloading all main product images except for the first one
- Check if a zoom plugin is loading a huge 'master' version of the image
- Lazyloading product thumbnails, also they dont need to be very high res
- Related products section - reduce number of products, maybe even to 4 or 8. Randomize using Shopify time.
- Lazyloading related products
- Using srcset for product images
- Compress all product images via squoosh or similar
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