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Last active July 4, 2018 19:07
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binary file dump
def dump {
val cur = file.getFilePointer
val width = 16 0 )
def printByte( b: Int ) = print( "%02x ".format(b&0xFF).toUpperCase )
def printChar( c: Int ) = print( if (' ' <= c && c <= '~') c.asInstanceOf[Char] else '.' )
for (line <- 0L until file.length by width) {
print( "%10x ".format(line).toUpperCase )
val mark = file.getFilePointer
for (i <- line until ((line + width) min file.length)) {
if (i%16 == 8)
print( ' ' )
printByte( file.readByte )
val bytes = (file.getFilePointer - mark).asInstanceOf[Int]
print( " "*((width - bytes)*3 + 1 + (if (bytes < 9) 1 else 0)) ) mark )
for (i <- line until ((line + width) min file.length))
printChar( file.readByte.asInstanceOf[Int] )
} cur )
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