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Last active April 3, 2020 23:23
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Precedence Climing parsing algorithm example
object Main extends App {
val symbols =
Map[String, (PrefixOperator, InfixOperator)](
"+" -> (PrefixOperator(30, +_), InfixOperator(10, LeftAssoc, _ + _)),
"-" -> (PrefixOperator(30, -_), InfixOperator(10, LeftAssoc, _ - _)),
"*" -> (null, InfixOperator(20, LeftAssoc, _ * _)),
"/" -> (null, InfixOperator(20, LeftAssoc, _ / _)),
"^" -> (null, InfixOperator(30, RightAssoc, pow)),
"(" -> null,
")" -> null
println(parse(tokenize("34 + 56")))
println(parse(tokenize("3 * 4")))
println(parse(tokenize("3 + 4 * 5")))
println(parse(tokenize("(3 + 4) * 5")))
println(parse(tokenize("-3 + 4 * 5")))
println(parse(tokenize("3 + -4 * 5")))
println(parse(tokenize("3 + 4 * -5")))
println(parse(tokenize("(-3 + 4) * 5")))
println(parse(tokenize("(3 + -4) * 5")))
println(parse(tokenize("3 ^ 4")))
println(parse(tokenize("2 ^ 2 ^ 3")))
println(parse(tokenize("(2 ^ 2) ^ 3")))
println(parse(tokenize("3 + 4 ^ 5 * 6")))
println(parse(tokenize("3 + 2 ^ 2 ^ 3 * 6")))
// output:
// 90
// 90
// 12
// 23
// 35
// 17
// -17
// -17
// -17
// -17
// 5
// -5
// 5
// -5
// 81
// 256
// 64
// 6147
// 1539
def pow(x: Int, n: Int) = {
def pow(y: Int, x: Int, n: Int): Int =
n match {
case 0 => 1
case 1 => x * y
case _ if n % 2 == 0 => pow(y, x * x, n / 2)
case _ => pow(x * y, x * x, (n - 1) / 2)
if (n < 0) sys.error(s"pow: negative exponent: $n") else pow(1, x, n)
def tokenize(s: String): Stream[Token] =
"[0-9]+|[-+/^*()]".r.findAllMatchIn(s).map(_.matched).map { n =>
if (n.head.isDigit)
symbols get n match {
case None => sys.error(s"unrecognized token: $n")
case Some(null) => DelimiterToken(n)
case Some(operators) => OperatorToken(n, operators)
} ++ Iterator(EOI) toStream
def parse(toks: Stream[Token]) = {
var cur = toks
def next = cur = cur.tail
def token = cur.head
def consume = {
val res = token
def infixOperator = token.asInstanceOf[OperatorToken].operators._2
def isInfix = token.isInstanceOf[OperatorToken] && infixOperator != null
def parse(minPrec: Int): Int = {
var result = primitive
while (isInfix && infixOperator.prec >= minPrec) {
val InfixOperator(prec, assoc, compute) = infixOperator
val nextMinPrec = if (assoc == LeftAssoc) prec + 1 else prec
result = compute(result, parse(nextMinPrec))
def primitive =
consume match {
case DelimiterToken("(") =>
val result = parse(0)
expect(")", "expected closing parenthesis")
case ValueToken(value) => value
case OperatorToken(_, (prefix, _)) if prefix ne null => prefix.compute(parse(prefix.prec))
case OperatorToken(_, (_, infix)) if infix ne null =>
sys.error(s"expected a primitive expression, not an infix operator: $token")
def expect(name: String, error: String) = {
if ( != name)
sys.error(s"$error: $token")
val result = parse(0)
expect("EOI", "expected end of input")
abstract class Token { val name: String }
case class DelimiterToken(name: String) extends Token
case class ValueToken(value: Int) extends Token { val name = "int" }
case class OperatorToken(name: String, operators: (PrefixOperator, InfixOperator)) extends Token
case object EOI extends Token { val name = "EOI" }
abstract class Assoc
case object LeftAssoc extends Assoc
case object RightAssoc extends Assoc
abstract class Operator
case class InfixOperator(prec: Int, assoc: Assoc, compute: (Int, Int) => Int) extends Operator
case class PrefixOperator(prec: Int, compute: Int => Int) extends Operator
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