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Created August 9, 2013 20:09
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LogAllAppEvents, a custom controller created to log all dojox/app events to see when these events are fired.
define(["dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojox/app/Controller"],
function(lang, declare, Controller){
// module:
// dojox/app/tests/mediaQuery3ColumnApp/controllers/LogAllAppEvents
// summary:
// This Custom controller created to log all dojox/app events to see when these events are fired.
return declare("dojox/app/tests/mediaQuery3ColumnApp/controllers/LogAllAppEvents", Controller, {
constructor: function(){
// summary:
// Bind all events used by dojox/app in order to log their use.
// Bind "app-domNode" event on dojox/app application instance.
// Bind "startTransition" event on dojox/app application domNode.
// Bind "popstate" event on window object.
// = {
"app-domNode": this.onDomNodeChange,
"app-init": this.appinit,
"app-transition": this.apptransition,
"app-load": this.appload,
"app-initLayout": this.appinitLayout,
"app-layoutView": this.applayoutView,
"app-resize": this.appresize
this.onDomNodeChange({oldNode: null, newNode:});
this.bind(window, "popstate", lang.hitch(this, this.onPopState));
onDomNodeChange: function(evt){
console.log(" ====> onDomNodeChange fired: = ";
if(evt.oldNode != null){
this.unbind(evt.oldNode, "startTransition");
this.bind(evt.newNode, "startTransition", lang.hitch(this, this.onStartTransition));
appinit: function(evt){
console.log(" ====> app-init fired in LogAllAppEvents");
apptransition: function(evt){
console.log(" ====> app-transition fired: evt.viewId = "+evt.viewId);
appload: function(evt){
console.log(" ====> app-load fired: evt.viewId = "+evt.viewId);
appinitLayout: function(evt){
console.log(" ====> app-initLayout fired: = ";
applayoutView: function(evt){
console.log(" ====> app-layoutView fired: = ";
appresize: function(){
console.log(" ====> app-resize fired:");
onStartTransition: function(evt){
console.log(" ====> onStartTransition fired: = ";
onPopState: function(evt){
console.log(" ====> onPopState fired: = ";
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