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Created October 18, 2013 16:15
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Custom dojox/app loader to always load the default child views for a view the first time the view is loaded. The name of the custom loader is CustomLoaderDefaults.js
define(["require", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/on", "dojo/Deferred", "dojo/when", "dojo/dom-style", "dojox/app/controllers/Load"],
function(require, lang, declare, on, Deferred, when, domStyle, Controller, View){
// module:
// dojox/app/tests/nestedTestApp/controllers/CustomLoaderDefaults
// summary:
// A custom logger to handle always loading the defaultViews when a view is loaded for the first time.
// Bind "app-load" event on dojox/app application instance.
// Load child view and sub children at one time.
return declare(Controller, {
constructor: function(app, events){
// summary:
// bind "app-load" event on application instance.
// app:
// dojox/app application instance.
// events:
// {event : handler} = {
"app-init": this.init,
"app-load": this.load
init: function(event){
// when the load controller received "app-init", before the lifecycle really starts we create the root view
// if any. This used to be done in main.js but must be done in Load to be able to create custom
// views from the Load controller.
//create and start child. return Deferred
when(this.createView(event.parent, null, null, {
templateString: event.templateString,
controller: event.controller
}, null, event.type), function(newView){
when(newView.start(), event.callback);
load: function(event){
// summary:
// Response to dojox/app "loadArray" event.
// example:
// Use trigger() to trigger "loadArray" event, and this function will response the event. For example:
// | this.trigger("app-load", {"parent":parent, "viewId":viewId, "viewArray":viewArray, "callback":function(){...}});
// event: Object
// LoadArray event parameter. It should be like this: {"parent":parent, "viewId":viewId, "viewArray":viewArray, "callback":function(){...}}
// returns:
// A dojo/Deferred object.
// The return value cannot return directly.
// If the caller need to use the return value, pass callback function in event parameter and process return value in callback function."in app/controllers/Load event.viewId="+event.viewId+" event =", event);
var views = event.viewId || "";
var viewArray = [];
// create an array from the diff views in event.viewId (they are separated by +)
var parts = views.split('+');
while(parts.length > 0){
var viewId = parts.shift();
var def;
this.proceedLoadViewDef = new Deferred();
if(viewArray && viewArray.length > 1){
// loop thru the array calling loadView for each item in the array
for(var i = 0; i < viewArray.length-1; i++){
var newEvent = lang.clone(event);
newEvent.callback = null; // skip callback until after last view is loaded.
newEvent.viewId = viewArray[i];
when(this.proceedLoadViewDef, lang.hitch(this, function(){
// for last view leave the callback to be notified
var newEvent = lang.clone(event);
newEvent.viewId = viewArray[i];
def = this.loadView(newEvent);
return def;
def = this.loadView(event);
return def;
proceedLoadView: function(loadEvt){
// summary:
// Proceed load queue by FIFO by default.
// If load is in proceeding, add the next load to waiting queue.
// loadEvt: Object
// LoadArray event parameter. It should be like this: {"parent":parent, "viewId":viewId, "viewArray":viewArray, "callback":function(){...}}
var def = this.loadView(loadEvt);
when(def, lang.hitch(this, function(){"in app/controllers/Load proceedLoadView back from loadView for event", loadEvt);
var nextEvt = this._waitingQueue.shift();
if(nextEvt){"in app/controllers/Load proceedLoadView back from loadView calling this.proceedLoadView(nextEvt) for ",nextEvt);
this._waitingQueue = [];
loadView: function(loadEvent){
// summary:
// Response to dojox/app "app-load" event.
// example:
// Use trigger() to trigger "app-load" event, and this function will response the event. For example:
// | this.trigger("app-load", {"parent":parent, "viewId":viewId, "callback":function(){...}});
// loadEvent: Object
// Load event parameter. It should be like this: {"parent":parent, "viewId":viewId, "callback":function(){...}}
// returns:
// A dojo/Deferred object.
// The return value cannot return directly.
// If the caller need to use the return value, pass callback function in event parameter and process return value in callback function.
var parent = loadEvent.parent ||;
var viewId = loadEvent.viewId || "";
var parts = viewId.split(',');
var childId = parts.shift();
var subIds = parts.join(",");
var params = loadEvent.params || "";
this._handleDefault = false;
this._defaultHasPlus = false;
var def = this.loadChild(parent, childId, subIds, params, loadEvent);
// call Load event callback
when(def, lang.hitch(this, function(){
if(this._handleDefault && !loadEvent.initLoad){"logTransitions:",""," emit app-transition this.childViews=["+this.childViews+"]");"app-transition", {
viewId: this.childViews,
defaultView: true,
forceTransitionNone: loadEvent.forceTransitionNone,
opts: { params: params }
loadEvent.callback(this._handleDefault, this._defaultHasPlus);
return def;
createChild: function(parent, childId, subIds, params){
// summary:
// Create a view instance if not already loaded by calling createView. This is typically a
// dojox/app/View.
// parent: Object
// parent of the view.
// childId: String
// view id need to be loaded.
// subIds: String
// sub views' id of this view.
// returns:
// If view exist, return the view object.
// Otherwise, create the view and return a dojo.Deferred instance.
var id = + '_' + childId;
this.viewPreviouslyCreated = false;
// check for possible default params if no params were provided
if(!params && parent.views[childId] && parent.views[childId].defaultParams){
params = parent.views[childId].defaultParams;
var view = parent.children[id];
// set params to new value before returning
view.params = params;
}"in app/controllers/Load createChild view is already loaded so return the loaded view with the new parms ",view);
this.viewPreviouslyCreated = true;
return view;
var def = new Deferred();
// create and start child. return Deferred
when(this.createView(parent, id, childId, null, params, parent.views[childId].type), function(newView){
parent.children[id] = newView;
when(newView.start(), function(view){
return def;
createView: function(parent, id, name, mixin, params, type){
// summary:
// Create a dojox/app/View instance. Can be overridden to create different type of views.
// parent: Object
// parent of this view.
// id: String
// view id.
// name: String
// view name.
// mixin: String
// additional property to be mixed into the view (templateString, controller...)
// params: Object
// params of this view.
// type: String
// the MID of the View. If not provided "dojox/app/View".
// returns:
// A dojo/Deferred instance which will be resolved when the view will be instantiated.
// tags:
// protected
var def = new Deferred();
var app =;
require([type?type:"dojox/app/View"], function(View){
var newView = new View(lang.mixin({
"app": app,
"id": id,
"name": name,
"parent": parent
}, { "params": params }, mixin));
return def;
loadChild: function(parent, childId, subIds, params, loadEvent){
// summary:
// Load child and sub children views recursively.
// parent: Object
// parent of this view.
// childId: String
// view id need to be loaded.
// subIds: String
// sub views' id of this view.
// params: Object
// params of this view.
// loadEvent: Object
// the event passed for the load of this view.
// returns:
// A dojo/Deferred instance which will be resolved when all views loaded.
throw Error("No parent for Child '" + childId + "'.");
var parts = parent.defaultView ? parent.defaultView.split(",") : "default";
if(parent.defaultView && !loadEvent.initLoad){ // in this case we need to call transfer to handle the defaultView calls to activate
var childViews = this._getViewNamesFromDefaults(parent);"logTransitions:","Load:loadChild","setting _handleDefault true for parent.defaultView childViews=["+childViews+"]");
this._handleDefault = true;
if(parent.defaultView.indexOf("+") >= 0){
this._defaultHasPlus = true;
childId = parts.shift();
subIds = parts.join(',');
var loadChildDeferred = new Deferred();
var createPromise;
createPromise = this.createChild(parent, childId, subIds, params);
console.warn("logTransitions:","","emit reject load exception for =["+childId+"]",ex);
loadChildDeferred.reject("load child '"+childId+"' error.");
return loadChildDeferred.promise;
when(createPromise, lang.hitch(this, function(child){
// if no subIds and current view has default view, load the default view.
if(child.defaultView && (!subIds || !this.viewPreviouslyCreated)){
var childViews = this._getViewNamesFromDefaults(child);"logTransitions:","Load:loadChild"," setting _handleDefault = true child.defaultView childViews=["+childViews+"]");
this._handleDefault = true;
if(child.defaultView.indexOf("+") >= 0){
this._defaultHasPlus = true;
this.childViews = childViews;
var parts = subIds.split(',');
childId = parts.shift();
subIds = parts.join(',');
var subLoadDeferred = this.loadChild(child, childId, subIds, params, loadEvent);
when(subLoadDeferred, function(){
loadChildDeferred.reject("load child '"+childId+"' error.");
console.warn("loadChildDeferred.REJECT() for ["+childId+"] subIds=["+subIds+"]");
loadChildDeferred.reject("load child '"+childId+"' error.")
return loadChildDeferred.promise; // dojo/Deferred.promise
_getViewNamesFromDefaults: function(view){
// summary:
// Build the full nested view name from the view and its defaultView(s)
// view: Object
// the view with defaultViews to process
// returns:
// A string with the full nested view names
var parent = view.parent;
var parentNames =;
var viewNames = "";
while(parent && parent !=={
parentNames =","+parentNames;
parent = parent.parent;
var parts = view.defaultView.split('+');
for(var item in parts){
parts[item] = parentNames+","+parts[item];
viewNames = parts.join('+');
return viewNames;
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