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Created October 12, 2017 22:03
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My little script to check my returns on my bittrex account
"use strict";
const ccxt = require ('ccxt')
const asTable = require ('as-table')
const log = require ('ololog').configure ({ locate: false })
require ('ansicolor').nice;
// The amount of BTC I moved into my Bittrex account
const investedBTC = 0.18469975;
// The amount of BTC I invested in each currency
const investedBTCPerCurrency = {
'NEO': 0,
'RDD': 0,
'SWIFT': 0,
'XRP': 0,
'EMC2': 0,
'QTUM': 0,
'CVC': 0,
'VTC': 0,
'APX': 0.00277011,
'XLM': 0,
'ETH': 0.18809189
(async() => {
// instantiate the exchange
let bittrex = new ccxt.bittrex ({
'apiKey': 'TOP-secret',
'secret': 'TOP-secret'
try {
let totalBTC = 0
let usdPricePerBTC = 0
let markets = await bittrex.loadMarkets()
let balance = await bittrex.fetchBalance()
let symbol = `BTC/USDT`
let marketInfoForSymbol = await
let ticker = await bittrex.fetchTicker (symbol, '1m')
usdPricePerBTC = ticker['last']
for (let index = 0; index <; index++) {
let info =[index]
let symbol
if (info['Currency'] == 'BTC') {
symbol = `${info['Currency']}/USDT`
} else {
symbol = `${info['Currency']}/BTC`
let marketInfoForSymbol = await
// console.log(marketInfoForSymbol)
if (marketInfoForSymbol['id']) {
// log(marketInfoForSymbol)
// console.log(await bittrex.fetchOrderBook(marketInfoForSymbol['id']))
// console.log (await bittrex.fetchOHLCV (`${info['Currency']}/BTC`, '1m')) // one minute
let ticker = await bittrex.fetchTicker (symbol, '1m')
if (info['Currency'] == 'BTC') {
usdPricePerBTC = ticker['last']
let btc
if (info['Balance'] > 0) {
let btc = info['Balance'] * ticker['last']
if (info['Currency'] == 'BTC') {
totalBTC += info['Balance']
} else {
totalBTC += info['Balance'] * ticker['last']
let inUSD = usdPricePerBTC * btc
let returnPercentage = (btc / investedBTCPerCurrency[info['Currency']] * 100.0) - 100
info['Currency'].green, info['Balance'],
'Return'.yellow, `${returnPercentage.toFixed(2)}%`,
'Last'.green, ticker['last'],
'Bid/Ask'.yellow, ticker['bid'], ticker['ask'],
'USD'.green, `$${inUSD.toFixed(2)}`,
'BTC'.green, btc.toFixed(6),
// let orders = await bittrex.fetchOrders(symbol)
// console.log(orders)
let inUSD = usdPricePerBTC * totalBTC
let returnPercentage = (totalBTC / investedBTC * 100.0) - 100
'Total BTC'.green, totalBTC.toFixed(6), 'USD'.green, `$${inUSD.toFixed(2)}`, 'Return'.green, `${returnPercentage.toFixed(2)}%`
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ccxt.DDoSProtection || e.message.includes ('ECONNRESET')) {
log.bright.yellow ('[DDoS Protection] ' + e.message)
} else if (e instanceof ccxt.RequestTimeout) {
log.bright.yellow ('[Request Timeout] ' + e.message)
} else if (e instanceof ccxt.AuthenticationError) {
log.bright.yellow ('[Authentication Error] ' + e.message)
} else if (e instanceof ccxt.ExchangeNotAvailable) {
log.bright.yellow ('[Exchange Not Available Error] ' + e.message)
} else if (e instanceof ccxt.ExchangeError) {
log.bright.yellow ('[Exchange Error] ' + e.message)
} else if (e instanceof ccxt.NetworkError) {
log.bright.yellow ('[Network Error] ' + e.message)
} else {
throw e;
}) ()
"name": "cryptobot",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Make money with robots!",
"main": "lib/cryptobot.js",
"author": "Michael Wood <>",
"license": "MIT",
"scripts": {
"build": "webpack",
"test": "yarn build && mocha --compilers js:babel-core/register "
"devDependencies": {
"babel-core": "^6.26.0",
"babel-loader": "^7.1.2",
"babel-preset-env": "^1.6.0",
"babel-preset-es2015": "^6.24.1",
"babel-preset-stage-0": "^6.24.1",
"webpack": "^3.6.0"
"dependencies": {
"ansicolor": "^1.1.70",
"as-table": "^1.0.24",
"asciichart": "^1.5.2",
"ccxt": "^1.8.69",
"node-fetch": "^1.7.3",
"ololog": "^1.0.57"
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