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Last active May 6, 2024 00:57
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A web component framework to generate HTML, that is compiled from a special JavaScript-like syntax.


  • Component:
    • a module that is re-usable which renders the HTML content
    • can be a function or a Class
    • props:
      • used to pass data from parent to child components
      • immutable and cannot be changed once passed to child
    • state
      • used by component specifically
      • when state changes then component is re-rendered
    • constructor(props): takes props and sets state
    • componentDidMount(): invoked immediately after a component is mounted (to DOM)
    • componentDidUpdate(): invoked when state changes
    • componentWillUnmount(): component is being removed from DOM
    • render() used to convert component to HTML
  • Route:
    • a Component that is rendered conditionally "when the path matches the current URL"
  • Router:
    • used for navigating
    • Example: <BrowserRouter />, <Switch />


Lets you use state and other features without a Class.

  • useEffect(): perform a side effect in a function-component
  • useState(): equivalent to using a Component constructor to copy props into state
  • createContext():
    • used to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manualy for each level
  • useContext():
    • reference a context with a default value


  1. Craete a login Component
  2. Authentication state to store/persist access token
  3. Logic to determine render state based on authentication state
  4. Login action to call API


Helps solve distributed state access many React components.

graph TB
    A[Action] --> D

    subgraph Store
        D[Dispatcher] --> R
        R[Reducer] --> S
        S[State] --> R

    S --> V
    V[View] --> A


  • Provider:
    • used to make Store available to entire App component
    • a special component that supplies a context
  • Reducer:
    • a function that accepts current State and an Action and returns the new State.
    • Example: (currentState, action) => newState
  • Store:
    • an object that golds the state of the application
    • Store::subscribe(callback) - watch for state changes and update UI/UX
    • Store::dispatch(action) - only way to update state
    • Store::getState() - return a copy of state


  • useSelector(): get state
  • useDispatch(): get the dispatch function
  • configureStore(...): - register reducers
  • createSlice(initialState): - name and initial state along with reducers to create actions
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