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Last active April 27, 2022 17:14
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BASH 101 - An introduction to the command-line

BASH 101

Use a linter for learning bash, here is one highly recommended that is available as a plugin/extension is Sublime-Text and VS Code: Shellcheck

In the meantime, work on some basics through example.

Asking for help... man

# Ask how to use the command `ls`
man ls

In addition, most commands will have an argument -h or --help for a full description.

ls --help

Standard out: Hello world

echo Hello world
# Exclude tailing newline
echo -n Hello world
# Interpret escape chars
echo -e "Hello\nworld"
# Print an environment variable
echo "Hello $USER"
# Display PID
echo $$
# Print return code (retval) of previous command
echo $?

Environment: Variables

# Print environment variables - try this on your own time
# env
# Set environment variable
export TEST=123
echo "My test number is $TEST"

# Unset environment variable
unset TEST
echo "Did we unset the value: TEST='$TEST'?"


nano and vim


less and more

File system

# Print directory

# Print home directory
ls ~

# Print directory and hidden files
ls -a

# Print directories with glob pattern
ls -a ~/.*

# Print all home directory folders starting with D or A using glob pattern
echo ~/{D,A}*
# Change directory to home
cd ~

# Change directory to home
cd /Users/eddie

# Change directory to previous
cd -

# Print expanded home directory
echo ~
# Make a file
touch my-file.txt

# Remove a file
rm my-file.txt
# Make a directory
mkdir my-dir

# Remove a directory
rm -fr my-dir

# Make directory path
mkdir -p my-dir-parent/my-dir-child

# Remove a directory
rm -fr my-dir-parent
# Make a directory
mkdir my-dir

# Move directory to /tmp
mv my-dir /tmp

cp /tmp/my-dir .
# Print the contents of a file
cat /etc/hosts
# Find a file of folder starting from home directory with name .ssh
find ~ -name .ssh
# Print the size of the application directory from top level
du --human-readable --max-depth=1 /Applications/

Homework, learn about: chmod and chown.


  • What was the command again? Oh yea, lets use reverse-search!
  • I didn't quiet find my command... Lets check history.
  • What environment variables do I have available? I know, Ill check env
    • cannot show you during demo, might be secrets in there


# Request a weather update
# Display file contents of an http file
# Get the http status code
curl --request GET --write-out "%{http_code}" --silent --output /dev/null
# Check if a https port is open
nc --zero --verbose 443

Standard in: Pipes

# Print all lines containing `` in `/etc/hosts`
grep /etc/hosts
# Print all lines with IPv4 regex pattern
grep -E '\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+' /etc/hosts
# Print all lines containing `localhost` glob pattern
cat /etc/hosts | grep 127.0.0.*
# Append a line to a file owned by root
echo '' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
# Split user part from a url
echo '' | cut -d@ -f1

# Replace a dot character
echo '' | cut -d@ -f1 | tr '.' ' '
# Create a file with a multiline string
tee -a hostnames.txt <<EOF

# Count number of entries
cat hostnames.txt | wc -l

# Sort a file
cat hostnames.txt | sort

# Sort and deduplicate file
cat hostnames.txt | sort -u

# Tally up by unique values, in descending order
cat hostnames.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -r
# Create a file with a multiline string
tee -a users.csv <<EOF

# Display all but the first line of file
cat users.csv | tail -n +2

# Display second column in comma-separated values file
cat users.csv | tail -n +2 | cut -f2 -d,

Capstone Project

Write a bash script to parse a CSV file!

Note: This is for demonstration purposes only. I recommend using CSV Kit.

# Create a little script...

echo 'Parsing a csv file, yay!'

# Print csv header
cat users.csv | head -n 1 | tr ',' ' ' | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'

# Loop through records in a comma-separated values file
for row in $(cat users.csv | tail -n +2); do
    email="$(echo "$row" | cut -f1 -d,)"
    first_name="$(echo "$row" | cut -f2 -d,)"
    echo "Processing record for $first_name"
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maverick1872 commented Apr 27, 2022

JQ is a json parser which is exceptionally handy as well.

Example output:

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