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danielpietzsch / deploy.rb
Created March 10, 2011 22:50
Deploy a specific or the current Git branch by default using Capistrano
# parses out the current branch you're on. See:
current_branch = `git branch`.match(/\* (\S+)\s/m)[1]
# use the branch specified as a param, then use the current branch. If all fails use master branch
set :branch, ENV['branch'] || current_branch || "master" # you can use the 'branch' parameter on deployment to specify the branch you wish to deploy
barraponto /
Created April 25, 2012 16:36
git submodule-rm
function actual_path() {
if [ [ -z "$1" ] -a [ -d $1 ] ]; then
echo $(cd $1 && test `pwd` = `pwd -P`)
return 0
return 1
eddiemoya / print_pre.php
Last active October 5, 2015 15:47
Print Pre
function print_pre($array){
echo "<pre style='z-index:1000;background-color:rgba(192,192,192,0.9);left:0;top:100px;width:4000px;overflow:scroll;position:absolute;white-space: pre;'>";
echo "</pre>";
eddiemoya / boilerplate-widget.php
Last active March 4, 2020 16:36
WordPress Boilerplate Widget
<?php /*
Plugin Name: Boilerplate Widget
Description: Starting point for building widgets quickly and easier
Version: 1.0
Author: Eddie Moya
* IMPORTANT: Change the class name for each widget
class Boilerplate_Widget extends WP_Widget {
xentek /
Created August 26, 2012 19:06
WordPress Unit Tests Quick Start

WordPress Unit Tests Quick Start Guide

This quick start guide is geared towards installing PHPUnit on OSX in order to run the WordPress unit tests. It uses homebrew to install PHP using homebrew-php. You can likely skip this step if you've already got php and pear installed properly.

If you use MAMP, then try these instructions to use MAMP's php and pear to install PHPUnit.

install homebrew

ruby &lt;(curl -fsSkL
seamusabshere / excelwebservice.vb
Created September 28, 2012 15:44
Excel VB for accessing as a web service (early 2011)
Option Explicit
Function GetBrighterPlanetApiKey()
GetBrighterPlanetApiKey = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Setup").Range("C2").Value
End Function
Function IsEmissionEstimateServiceOnline()
If LCase(ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Setup").Range("C3").Value) = "online" And ThisWorkbook.HasFinishedWorkbookOpen() = True Then
IsEmissionEstimateServiceOnline = True
# Creates an alias called "git hist" that outputs a nicely formatted git log.
# Usage is just like "git log"
# Examples:
# git hist
# git hist -5
# git hist <branch_name>
# git hist <tag_name> -10
git config --global alias.hist "log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)[%ad]%C(reset) %C(green)[%h]%C(reset) | %C(red)%s %C(bold red){{%an}}%C(reset) %C(blue)%d%C(reset)' --graph --date=short"
eddiemoya /
Last active August 5, 2022 15:59
Restores file that was deleted in a previous commit based on its last known state before it was removed.
### Git Unremove ##
# Adds an alias called "unrm" to retrieve a pile or path deleted at any point in the repositories history.
# Usage:
# git unrm [path]
# git unrm path/to/file
git config --global alias.unrm '!COMMIT=$(git log -1 --pretty=%h -- "$1"); git checkout $COMMIT^ -- "$1"; echo "File: $1, was restored from commit $COMMIT"; git show -s $COMMIT'
eddiemoya / wp-query-since.php
Last active August 5, 2022 15:59
Allows WP_Query to use a 'since' argument to query for relative date queries using `strtotime()`
* Allows WP_Query to use a 'since' argument to query for
* relative date queries.
* Usage: Query posts from last 30 days
* $query = new WP_Query('since' => '-30 days');
* @uses strtotime()
* @author Eddie Moya
eddiemoya /
Last active September 6, 2018 08:55
Flip the last two commits in a branch using git-rebase, git-cherry-pick, git-update-ref, git-name-rev, and git-rev-parse. Interesting exercise using quite a bit of plumbing commands.
branch=$(git name-rev --name-only HEAD)
git rebase --onto HEAD~2 HEAD~1 HEAD
git cherry-pick ORIG_HEAD~1
git update-ref refs/heads/$branch $(git rev-parse HEAD)
git checkout --quiet $branch
# Instead of creating an independant bash script with the code above,
# consider simply creating a git alias using the command below.