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Last active February 16, 2025 17:43
Hugo JS Searching with Fuse.js

Client side searching for with Fuse.js


This gist shows how to implement client side searching with nothing but Hugo and a few common JS tools.

  • No NPM, grunt, etc
  • No additional build time steps, just hugo as you would normally.
  • Easy to swap out choice of client side search tools, anything that can use a json index
  • Highlights matching keywords in results


You can visit the Hugo Resume Theme with example site to quickly explore this feature, or visit live site (try "devops", "atlassian developer", or "rest api" as good sample searches).


  1. Add the file shown here in root directory or under themes/<themeName>
  2. Add JSON as additional output format in config.toml
  3. hugo
  4. Visit localhost:1313/search



title: "Search Results"
  priority : 0.1
layout: "search"

This file exists solely to respond to /search URL with the related `search` layout template.

No content shown here is rendered, all content is based in the template layouts/page/search.html

Setting a very low sitemap priority will tell search engines this is not important content.

This implementation uses Fusejs, jquery and mark.js

## Initial setup

Search  depends on additional output content type of JSON in config.toml
  home = ["HTML", "JSON"]

## Searching additional fileds

To search additional fields defined in front matter, you must add it in 2 places.

### Edit layouts/_default/index.JSON
This exposes the values in /index.json
i.e. add `category`
  "contents":{{ .Content | plainify | jsonify }}
  {{ if .Params.tags }},
  "tags":{{ .Params.tags | jsonify }}{{end}},
  "categories" : {{ .Params.categories | jsonify }},

### Edit fuse.js options to Search
keys: [


This is the page rendered when viewing /search in your browser. THis example uses the template functionality of "base" and "blocks", to add my required JS files right above </body> but only on this page. You can use any template, as long as you include the 3rd part libs (jquery, fuse, mark.js) before search.js, it will work.

{{ define "footerfiles" }}
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="{{ "js/search.js" | absURL }}"></script>
{{ end }}
{{ define "main" }}
<section class="resume-section p-3 p-lg-5 d-flex flex-column">
  <div class="my-auto" >
    <form action="{{ "search" | absURL }}">
      <input id="search-query" name="s"/>
    <div id="search-results">
     <h3>Matching pages</h3>
<!-- this template is sucked in by search.js and appended to the search-results div above. So editing here will adjust style -->
<script id="search-result-template" type="text/x-js-template">
    <div id="summary-${key}">
      <h4><a href="${link}">${title}</a></h4>
      ${ isset tags }<p>Tags: ${tags}</p>${ end }
      ${ isset categories }<p>Categories: ${categories}</p>${ end }
{{ end }}


This file uses jquery, fuse.js, mark.js to search the hugo created index, and return matching content, with highlighting.

var fuseOptions = {
  shouldSort: true,
  includeMatches: true,
  threshold: 0.0,
  location: 0,
  distance: 100,
  maxPatternLength: 32,
  minMatchCharLength: 1,
  keys: [

var searchQuery = param("s");
}else {
  $('#search-results').append("<p>Please enter a word or phrase above</p>");

function executeSearch(searchQuery){
  $.getJSON( "/index.json", function( data ) {
    var pages = data;
    var fuse = new Fuse(pages, fuseOptions);
    var result =;
    if(result.length > 0){
      $('#search-results').append("<p>No matches found</p>");

function populateResults(result){
    var contents= value.item.contents;
    var snippet = "";
    var snippetHighlights=[];
    var tags =[];
    if( fuseOptions.tokenize ){
        if(mvalue.key == "tags" || mvalue.key == "categories" ){
        }else if(mvalue.key == "contents"){
          start = mvalue.indices[0][0]-summaryInclude>0?mvalue.indices[0][0]-summaryInclude:0;
          end = mvalue.indices[0][1]+summaryInclude<contents.length?mvalue.indices[0][1]+summaryInclude:contents.length;
          snippet += contents.substring(start,end);

      snippet += contents.substring(0,summaryInclude*2);
    //pull template from hugo templarte definition
    var templateDefinition = $('#search-result-template').html();
    //replace values
    var output = render(templateDefinition,{key:key,title:value.item.title,link:value.item.permalink,tags:value.item.tags,categories:value.item.categories,snippet:snippet});



function param(name) {
    return decodeURIComponent(( + '=')[1] || '').split('&')[0]).replace(/\+/g, ' ');

function render(templateString, data) {
  var conditionalMatches,conditionalPattern,copy;
  conditionalPattern = /\$\{\s*isset ([a-zA-Z]*) \s*\}(.*)\$\{\s*end\s*}/g;
  //since loop below depends on re.lastInxdex, we use a copy to capture any manipulations whilst inside the loop
  copy = templateString;
  while ((conditionalMatches = conditionalPattern.exec(templateString)) !== null) {
      //valid key, remove conditionals, leave contents.
      copy = copy.replace(conditionalMatches[0],conditionalMatches[2]);
      //not valid, remove entire section
      copy = copy.replace(conditionalMatches[0],'');
  templateString = copy;
  //now any conditionals removed we can do simple substitution
  var key, find, re;
  for (key in data) {
    find = '\\$\\{\\s*' + key + '\\s*\\}';
    re = new RegExp(find, 'g');
    templateString = templateString.replace(re, data[key]);
  return templateString;


Hugo already builds indexes of all pages, we can cherry-pick which aspects should be searchable. The result is a newly created JSON index at /index.json

{{- $.Scratch.Add "index" slice -}}
{{- range .Site.RegularPages -}}
    {{- $.Scratch.Add "index" (dict "title" .Title "tags" .Params.tags "categories" .Params.categories "contents" .Plain "permalink" .Permalink) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $.Scratch.Get "index" | jsonify -}}


Add this snippet to your config file to instruct Hugo to create the index file in JSON format. (RSS and HTML are default outputs, what's important is to add JSON.

  home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON"]

Alternately if using a custom for home page, you can just add the output formats to front matter.

- html
- rss
- json


MIT License

Copyright 2022 Edward A. Webbinaro

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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ttntm commented Mar 24, 2020

@bosonbeard: I have noticed that behaviour on localhost too, no idea what's causing it.

But: I never had any issues once the site was deployed and I'm running this search functionality on 2 production sites.

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This is a great addition to Hugo! But I had to butcher things a bit to get this working with my theme and config. But it does work, with one exception, I get only one match returned in my results, apparently because of this JS error thrown in the first match:

TypeError: $(...).mark is not a function

The offending code looks like this:

function populateResults(result){
      // $("#summary-"+key);

This seems to be telling me that my returned Objects, namely matches, did NOT inherit the mark function. Sound right? Note that if I comment out the .mark reference (see code snippet above) then I get ALL my results, but of course with nothing highlighted.

So, if I'm right about this, can anyone tell me how to define or attach (not sure what the right Javascript concept is) mark as a function of each returned object?

Being a relative Hugo noob, and a total Javascript idiot (there, I said it) I am wondering if there's an easy way to fix this, because I understand what .mark is intended to do, and I'd really love to have that feature. Thanks in advance!

I had the same problem when the scripts where not being loaded properly. 'mark' is a function defined in a third party lib

<script src=""></script>

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Hi, Thanks for the Gist. Currently trying to get this working before making any major modifications. When i try to load the /search?c= page, i get a blank page. No errors, just a blank page. Any thoughts?

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First of all many thanks for the great script.

I use the search on a multilingual site and have the following problems:

  1. the content of the second language is not recorded and will not be found.
  2. the search result should only show the results that correspond to the current language

Can you help me?

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ttntm commented Jul 29, 2020

@trichers: You'll have to generate the JSON search index in all necessary languages and then make sure that the search code gets the right index depending on the site language displayed when search is used.

I did that using this approach a while ago.

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@trichers: You'll have to generate the JSON search index in all necessary languages and then make sure that the search code gets the right index depending on the site language displayed when search is used.

I did that using this approach a while ago.

Thats the question: How to generate the JSON search index for the second language and what to change in search.js to select the custom language?

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ttntm commented Jul 30, 2020

Ok, let's try that again, this time with more details:

  1. Hugo needs to run in multilingual mode; see:

I'm assuming that your site builds in 1+n languages, depending in your config.toml and the respective translations.

  1. Add JSON as output format:
// config.toml

    home = ["HTML","JSON"]
    section  = ["HTML"]
  1. Create a template for index.json as described above in this guide.

If you run hugo now (and haven't done any other i18n configuration), your site should build with language folders like "de" and "en". Inside these folders, there should be an index.json each (except for the default language, that'd be in the site's root public directory; doesn't really matter though, just for reference).

  1. Reference the correct index (=current language) when triggering a search:
    function executeSearch(searchQuery) {
        var index = "{{ .Site.LanguagePrefix }}/index.json";
        getJSON(index, function (data) {

In order to make this work, I had to put this function into the JavaScript partial that's parsed by Hugo when building the site - in my case, that's a file called js.html that's pulled into baseof.html just before the closing </body> tag (and therefore included in every page and in every language).


I hope that helps making things work for you, it's actually a pretty simple configuration.

If it doesn't help, I'd suggest asking for support in the Hugo forums (and providing your site's repo for people to have a look at).

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@ttntm you can also avoid an extra processing by putting the language prefix in lang attribute of html tag and grabbing that from JavaScript:

<html lang="de">
const langPrefix = document.querySelector("html").getAttribute("lang");

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@tom Doe

Many thanks for your quick help!

It works so far, but the routing of the url does not work correctly yet.

Under the main language I have BASEURL/search/?s=SEARCHSTRING

Under the second language I need BASEURL/LANG/search/?s=SEARCHSTRING, but the search calls up BASEURL/search/?s=SEARCHSTRING again and therefore does not bring the result of the second language.

If I enter the Url BASEURL/LANG/suche/?s=SEARCHSTRING by hand, the result is perfect.

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ttntm commented Jul 30, 2020

Cool, glad it helped.

As for the URLs, check the action attribute of your search form/s - you need to target the respective search page's URL (=search in current language) instead of a hardcoded baseurl/search in the action. Best check hugo docs for absLangURL, I believe that should do it, but it's been a while and I can't check my code right now.

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Thanks, that was exactly the right hint.

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It really works, it does what it should - I love it! Its important to set in head of baseof.html:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="{{ "js/search.js" | absURL }}"></script>

And I made a widget for sidebar, called hu-search.html (for hugo-search; feel free to rename):

<div class="widget-hu-search widget">
<form class="widget-hu-search__form" action="{{ "search" | absURL }}">
<label><input id="search-query" name="s"/></label>
<input class="widget-hu-search__submit" type="submit" value="Search">

The searchform in search.html I've deleted. widget must written in config.toml, of course. ;)

Thanks for that good work! I'm thrilled to bits about this searchtool. Great!

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Thank you very much for this. It was a good starting point for me as I just moved to Hugo like two months ago.

I have updated the library scripts and fixed some issues that came up with the upgrade on my blog.
It took more time to style it for my theme than anything else, including writing a post about it.

You can find the updated content here: Client Side Search for your Hugo Blog with Fuse.js. I have credited this gist there too.

Contents of the updated search script and layouts for Hugo's Clarity theme is also provided.

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In case anyone's interested, I also wrote a post with code based on this gist. But it replaces jQuery with "vanilla" JS by using fetch()

Hope it helps

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jgoerzen commented Feb 7, 2022

@eddiewebb Would you by any chance be able to put a license like MIT on this? I want to run my website with purely Open Source components and this would let me be very clear that it's happening that way. Thanks!

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@jgoerzen, done.

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I guess live site doesn't work.

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I guess live site doesn't work.

Sorry, bad jQuery version, it's fixed again.

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Thank you for a great description for adding search to your hugo site.
I have tried to set up ad described.
I have the search page.
My question is: How to I tag the md-pages so they will show up when searching?
I currently just get a blank result, so I must be doing something wrong.
Thank you.

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Follow up:
I can see that if I add a tags and categories item in the header section of the md-page, they appear in the docs folder (after running hugo).
Unfortunately my search result is still blank.

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onegit20 commented Aug 24, 2022

thanks all!



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ludard commented Oct 14, 2022

Thanks for this gist. I made changes to the hugo-theme-jane theme based on this gist.
The following features are now supported:

  • Chinese Content Search
  • Consistent web style with the jane theme
  • Search page adapts to mobile, tablet, PC and other devices

Search Page:


  • 支持中文搜索
  • 搜索页面适配 jane 主题风格,相同的主题色、页头和页脚等
  • 搜索页面适配手机、平板、PC 等多设备

修改后的 gist:

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TigGrak commented Nov 26, 2022

sorry but it could not work when i use this way to search my blog with the theme stack, the search web always shows nothing even i enter the key words which my posts' title have

and this is its erros

(i built my blog on url, not


I think the error may be in the index.json
But I've set it up following the tutorial

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Hi, many thanks for this contribution! I have an issue to search content generated by page variables, which is not indexed:

  • I am using a theme (gethugothemes' agico)
  • this theme provides templates to populate pages with some nice layout. For this, one has to create a 'feature.content' page variable, which is used by the template to generate the final page content. And the actual content in the .md file is empty, everything is in the front matter.
  • so, the page content is actually not available once the index.json file is built (at least, this is my understanding, because the ".Plain" attribute is empty, and same issue with ".Content" and ".RawContent")
  • as a result, this content cannot be searched, which is my issue (other pages with regular content can be searched pretty well).

Is there a way to work this around? (I guess, by enforcing the generation of index.json once the other pages have been built?)

Many thanks! [ I may be wrong in my assumptions because I am a newbye in Hugo ]

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ttntm commented Sep 2, 2023

@bfredo123 I've encountered something like you are deact a long time ago and figured out a workaround back then.

No idea how accurate this is in 2023, haven't used hugo in a long time, but it might give you some ideas:

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josineto commented Sep 2, 2023

Hi @bfredo123 , I think your case is simpler than the solution proposed by @ttntm (which helps too). I haven't looked in a long time this code, so I'll explain broadly:

  • so, the page content is actually not available once the index.json file is built (at least, this is my understanding, because the ".Plain" attribute is empty, and same issue with ".Content" and ".RawContent")

In the template that creates index.json, simply add a line that, for each page, inserts a field with the frontmatter variable that you need to search (feature.content), to make it searchable.

  • as a result, this content cannot be searched, which is my issue (other pages with regular content can be searched pretty well).

In the code that makes the search (the .js file), in the section that uses the index.json field, insert the field you've just created as one of the portions to search.

And voilà !

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Sounds great @ttntm and @jzeneto. Actually both seem to be the same approach: add an extra search key, fulfilled with page resources or equivalent .feature.content stuff. Will try that right away!
Thank you!

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Another issue I am facing: some times (randomly?), the search returns twice the same page in the result list. I could verify that this comes from the result. But sometimes, restarting "Hugo server" fixes i. Any clue about what it is due to?

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josineto commented Sep 2, 2023

@bfredo123 that happens to me too, but only in development, not in production. So I just ignore it haha

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bfredo123 commented Sep 2, 2023

Sounds good... :)
Just implemented the tip about params-generated content search, seems to work great (it takes into account various params managed by the template: "description", "about", and the "title", "subtitle" and "content" of the "about_item" array within "about". Here it is for those interested:

{{- $.Scratch.Add "index" slice -}}
{{- range site.RegularPages -}}
  {{- $sc := newScratch -}}
  {{- if isset .Params "description" -}}
    {{- $sc.Add "ct" .Description  -}}
  {{- end -}}

  {{- if isset .Params "about" -}}
    {{- range .Params.About.about_item }}
      {{- $sc.Add "ct" (print .title " " .subtitle " " .content) -}}
    {{- end -}}
  {{- end -}}
  {{- $sc.Add "ct" .Plain -}}
  {{- $content := $sc.Get "ct" }}

{{ $date:= .PublishDate.Format "02"}}
  {{- $.Scratch.Add "index" (dict "title" .Title "date" $date "tags" .Params.tags "image" .Params.image "categories" .Params.categories "contents" $content "permalink" .Permalink) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $.Scratch.Get "index" | jsonify -}}

Thank you again for your great and superfast help, I was a bit desperate!

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