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Last active May 8, 2022 11:20
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  • Save eddiezato/2096c08bdea59ddf82f92f73c7cb749e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save eddiezato/2096c08bdea59ddf82f92f73c7cb749e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Test takc 2.3.0 and 2.3.1
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, Position = 0)]
[ValidatePattern('\.wav$', ErrorMessage = "You should specify .wav files")]
[Parameter(Position = 1)][Alias('p')]
[uint]$Passes = 10
process {
Class Result {
Get-Item -LiteralPath $Input | Foreach-Object {
$wavfile = $_
$wavfile_info = (mediainfo --Output=JSON $($wavfile.FullName) | ConvertFrom-Json).media.track
$finalresults = @()
$finalresults += [Result]@{
Version = "WAV"
Compress = 100
Filesize_bytes = $wavfile.Length
"231", "232" | Foreach-Object {
$results = @()
$tak = ".\takc$_"
$takfile = "test$_.tak"
Write-Host "Version $_, $Passes passes " -NoNewLine
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Passes; $i ++) {
Write-Host "." -NoNewLine
$data = & $tak -e -overwrite -p4m -md5 -tn4 $wavfile.Name $takfile
$data2 = & $tak -t $takfile
$results += [Result]@{
Compress = ($data[2] -replace '[^\d\.]','') -as [float]
Filesize_bytes = (Get-Item -LiteralPath $takfile).Length
Enc_dur_sec = ($data[3] -replace '[^\d\.]','') -as [float]
Encode_speed = ($data[4] -replace '[^\d\.]','') -as [float]
Decode_speed = ($data2[3] -replace '[^\d\.]','') -as [float]
Remove-Item -Path $takfile
$finalresults += [Result]@{
Version = $_
Compress = [Math]::Round(($results | Measure-Object -Property Compress -Average).Average, 2)
Filesize_bytes = [Math]::Round(($results | Measure-Object -Property Filesize_bytes -Average).Average, 0)
Enc_dur_sec = [Math]::Round(($results | Measure-Object -Property Enc_dur_sec -Average).Average, 2)
Encode_speed = [Math]::Round(($results | Measure-Object -Property Encode_speed -Average).Average, 2)
Decode_speed = [Math]::Round(($results | Measure-Object -Property Decode_speed -Average).Average, 2)
Write-Host "$($wavfile.Name), " -NoNewLine
Write-Host "$("{0:hh\:mm\:ss}" -f[timespan]::fromseconds($wavfile_info[0].Duration))," -NoNewLine
Write-Host "$($wavfile_info.Channels) ch,$($wavfile_info.BitDepth) bit,$($wavfile_info.SamplingRate) Hz"
Write-Output $finalresults | Format-Table
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