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Created November 30, 2021 05:42
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PowerShell script to process images in the current folder using realesrgan
param (
[string[]] $Filter = @("*.jpg","*.jpeg")
Get-ChildItem -Path * -File -Include $Filter | Foreach-Object {
$i = 0
Write-Progress -Activity $_.Name -Status " $i%" -PercentComplete $i
$job = Start-Job -ArgumentList $_.Name,"temp.png","$($_.Basename)_new.png" -ScriptBlock {
realesrgan -i $args[0] -o $args[1] *>&1
magick $args[1] -resize x3056 $args[2] *>&1
while ($job.State -eq "Running") {
$outValue = Receive-Job $job
if ($outValue) {
$percent = ($outValue -as [string]).Replace(",", ".").Replace("%", "") -as [float]
if ($percent -and ($percent -ne $i)) {
$i = [Math]::Round($percent)
Write-Progress -Activity $_.Name -Status " $i%" -PercentComplete $i
Start-Sleep -Seconds 0.2
Write-Host $_.Name -NoNewLine
Write-Host " [" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewLine
Write-Host "ok" -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewLine
Write-Host "]" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Progress -Activity "Done" -Completed
if (Test-Path -Path "temp.png") { Remove-Item -Path "temp.png" -Force }
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