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Created January 9, 2022 05:17
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Monitor SSD total lbas writes
Set-Location $PSScriptRoot
$tJson = .\smartctl.exe -j -A /dev/sda | ConvertFrom-Json
$totallba = ($tJson.ata_smart_attributes.table | where { $ -eq 241 }).raw.value
$lasttlba = Get-Content -Path "last"
$inGB = ([Math]::Round($totallba * 512 / 1GB, 2)).ToString("0.00")
$diff = ([Math]::Round(($totallba - $lasttlba) * 512 / 1MB, 2)).ToString("0.00")
$curDT = (Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")
Add-Content -Path "ssd.log" -Value "$curDT $inGB GiB +$diff MiB"
Set-Content -Path "last" -Value $totallba
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