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Last active November 5, 2024 07:02
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PowerShell [5.1+]: script to get Microsoft Edge Offline Installers (can be extracted with 7zip)
# params
param (
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Pro", Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet("stable", "beta", "dev", "canary")]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Pro", Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Pro")]
[ValidateSet("x64", "x86")]
[string]$Architecture = "x64",
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Pro")]
[switch]$Download = $false,
[switch]$Extract = $false
function Get-Out {
param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$Message )
Write-Host $Message -ForegroundColor Red
exit 1
# run gui for default check
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Casual") {
# get versions
$Response = $null
try { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "" }
catch { Get-Out -Message "Can't check Edge versions. Try again." -ExitCode 1 }
# store versions
$verlist = @()
if ($Response) {
foreach ($ver in ($Response | where { $_.Product.ToLower() -in @("stable", "beta", "dev", "canary") })) {
$item = $ver.Releases | where { ($_.Platform.ToLower() -eq "windows") -and ($_.Architecture.ToLower() -eq $Architecture) }
$verlist += [PSCustomObject]@{
Channel = $ver.Product.ToString().ToLower()
Version = $item.ProductVersion.ToString()
Published = (Get-Date -Date $item.PublishedTime).ToString("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm")
if (-not $verlist) { Get-Out -Message "Can't check Edge versions (no data). Try again." }
} else { Get-Out -Message "Can't check Edge versions (bad response). Try again." }
# draw gui
Write-Host "Arrows" -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Cyan; Write-Host " to navigate, " -NoNewLine
Write-Host "Enter" -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Cyan; Write-Host " to download, " -NoNewLine
Write-Host "Esc" -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Cyan; Write-Host " to exit"
Write-Host "`n Channel Version Published`n ------- ------- ---------" -ForegroundColor DarkGray
foreach ($ver in $verlist) { " {0} {1} {2}" -f $ver.Channel.PadRight(9, " "), $ver.Version.PadRight(14, " "), $ver.Published }
[Console]::CursorVisible = $false
$fcolor = $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor
$bcolor = $Host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor
$curpos = 0
$Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = @{ X = 0; Y = $curpos + 4 }
Write-Host (" {0}" -f $verlist[$curpos].Channel.PadRight(9, " ")) -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $bcolor -BackgroundColor $fcolor
# run navigation
$navflag = $true
do {
$key = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho, IncludeKeyDown")
switch ($key.VirtualKeyCode) {
38 {
if ($curpos -gt 0) {
$Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = @{ X = 0; Y = $curpos + 4 }
Write-Host (" {0}" -f $verlist[$curpos].Channel.PadRight(9, " ")) -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $fcolor -BackgroundColor $bcolor
$Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = @{ X = 0; Y = $curpos + 4 }
Write-Host (" {0}" -f $verlist[$curpos].Channel.PadRight(9, " ")) -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $bcolor -BackgroundColor $fcolor
40 {
if ($curpos -lt $verlist.Count - 1 ) {
$Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = @{ X = 0; Y = $curpos + 4 }
Write-Host (" {0}" -f $verlist[$curpos].Channel.PadRight(9, " ")) -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $fcolor -BackgroundColor $bcolor
$Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = @{ X = 0; Y = $curpos + 4 }
Write-Host (" {0}" -f $verlist[$curpos].Channel.PadRight(9, " ")) -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $bcolor -BackgroundColor $fcolor
67 {
Set-Clipboard ("{0} -c {1} -v {2}" -f (Get-Item -Path $PSCommandPath).BaseName, $verlist[$curpos].Channel, $verlist[$curpos].Version)
$Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = @{ X = 0; Y = $curpos + 4 }
Write-Host (" {0}" -f $verlist[$curpos].Channel.PadRight(9, " ")) -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $bcolor -BackgroundColor Yellow
13 {
# run architecture navigation
$Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = @{ X = 0; Y = $curpos + 4 }
Write-Host " x64 " -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $bcolor -BackgroundColor $fcolor
Write-Host " x86 " -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $fcolor -BackgroundColor $bcolor
$Architecture = "x64"
$nav2flag = $true
do {
$key = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho, IncludeKeyDown")
switch ($key.VirtualKeyCode) {
37 {
if ($Architecture -eq "x86") {
$Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = @{ X = 0; Y = $curpos + 4 }
Write-Host " x64 " -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $bcolor -BackgroundColor $fcolor
Write-Host " x86 " -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $fcolor -BackgroundColor $bcolor
$Architecture = "x64"
39 {
if ($Architecture -eq "x64") {
$Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = @{ X = 0; Y = $curpos + 4 }
Write-Host " x64 " -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $fcolor -BackgroundColor $bcolor
Write-Host " x86 " -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $bcolor -BackgroundColor $fcolor
$Architecture = "x86"
13 {
$Channel = $verlist[$curpos].Channel
$Version = $verlist[$curpos].Version
$Download = $true
$navflag = $false
$nav2flag = $false
27 {
$Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = @{ X = 0; Y = $curpos + 4 }
Write-Host (" {0}" -f $verlist[$curpos].Channel.PadRight(9, " ")) -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor $bcolor -BackgroundColor $fcolor
$nav2flag = $false
} while ($nav2flag)
27 { $navflag = $false }
} while ($navflag)
$Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = @{ X = 0; Y = $verlist.Count + 5 }
[Console]::CursorVisible = $true
# exit if Esc pressed
if (-not $Download) { exit 0 }
# check if the selected version is available for download
Write-Host "Checking availability..." -NoNewLine
$Response = $null
$url = -join (
try { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $url }
catch { Get-Out -Message " fail" }
if ($Response) {
Write-Host " ok" -ForegroundColor Green
# start download
if ($Download) {
Write-Host "Downloading..." -NoNewLine
$Release = $Response | where { $_.FileId.ToLower() -eq "microsoftedge_$($Architecture)_$($Version).exe" }
$edgebits = @{
Source = $Release.Url
Destination = "msedge_$($Architecture)_$($Channel)_$($Version).exe"
DisplayName = "$Channel $Version"
Description = "{0} MiB" -f [Math]::Round($Release.SizeInBytes / 1MB, 2)
try { Start-BitsTransfer @edgebits }
catch { Get-Out -Message "`nBITS failed. Try again." }
# extract with 7z
if (Test-Path -LiteralPath "msedge_$($Architecture)_$($Channel)_$($Version).exe") {
Write-Host " ok" -ForegroundColor Green
if ($Extract) {
Write-Host "Extracting..."
$sevenzip = "7z.exe"
if (Test-Path -LiteralPath "$PSScriptRoot\7z.exe") { $sevenzip = "$PSScriptRoot\7z.exe" }
try {
& $sevenzip x "msedge_$($Architecture)_$($Channel)_$($Version).exe" -aoa -bso0 -bsp1 -y
& $sevenzip x "msedge.7z" -aoa -bso0 -bsp1 -y
if (Test-Path -Path "Edge") {
Move-Item -Path "Chrome-bin\*" -Destination "Edge" -Force
Remove-Item -Path "Chrome-bin" -Force
else { Rename-Item -Path "Chrome-bin" -NewName "Edge" -Force }
Remove-Item -Path "msedge.7z" -Force
$Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = @{ X = 13; Y = $Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition.Y - 1 }
Write-Host " ok" -ForegroundColor Green
catch {
$Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = @{ X = 13; Y = $Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition.Y - 1 }
Get-Out -Message " fail"
} else { Get-Out -Message " fail" }
} else { Get-Out -Message " fail" }
Copy link

eddiezato commented Sep 7, 2021


for general check (with simplified navigation)

> .\EdgeCheck

for check specific version

> .\EdgeCheck -c dev -v 99.0.1141.0
> .\EdgeCheck -c dev -v 99.0.1141.0 -a x86

for check and download specific version

> .\EdgeCheck -c dev -v 99.0.1141.0 -d
> .\EdgeCheck -c dev -v 99.0.1141.0 -a x86 -d

if you have 7z.exe next to the script or in $Env:path, you can extract the installer after downloading

> .\EdgeCheck -x
> .\EdgeCheck -c dev -v 99.0.1141.0 -d -x 
> .\EdgeCheck -c dev -v 99.0.1141.0 -a x86 -d -x 

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